Let’s face it. We are living in a fast-paced world surrounded by responsibilities for work, school, and family. As a result, it is only natural that so many of us are struggling to survive the stress, let alone thrive in the happier and calmer parts of the day. Even when we finally catch a moment of peace, our minds inevitably think about everything else that still has to be done. Worrying about past mistakes then adds unnecessary stress to our lives on top of the stress we have to prioritize. This cruel cycle can only end in mental exhaustion and a possible breakdown if not checked. Thinking about our burdens also takes precious time away from the people and things that make life matter.
Instead of only focusing on our stress, let’s concentrate on all the ways we are blessed.
1. Count your blessings.
This might sound cliché, but sometimes a little reminder can go a long way. Of course, counting takes time and commitment. If the idea seems too abstract, make it physical. Keep a list and vow to add to it daily. For even more personal engagement, think about alternative methods. For instance, decorate and designate a jar strictly for storing these reminders. Write your blessings on colorful sheets of paper, fold and stash them, then open the jar and read through all of the week’s simple joys whenever you need to reprioritize.
2. Enjoy the simple things.
It is no secret that some of our greatest pleasures are also life’s simplest gifts. Prepare yourself for another cliché and take the time to stop and smell the flowers! After all, they only last for a couple of seasons. Make the most of every opportunity, especially since another is not necessarily guaranteed. Return a stranger’s compliment and splurge on that extra-sized and over-priced treat, because I’m sure you deserve it. Instead of worrying about problems just around the corner, soak up the sun and revel in the roses.
3. Surround yourself with loved ones.
One of the best parts about having a close family or friends is knowing that judgment is basically non-existent. They have seen you at your worst, and they can make you smile during your darkest moments. These people are your lifelines for a reason. Cherish and count them in your list of blessings. They are here for when you need to laugh or cry, and they can help, distract, or talk you through some of the hardest parts of life.
4. Unplug and disconnect.
Of course, don’t completely go off the grid. Just take time to turn off or put your phone on silent and resist the urge to browse the internet. So much stress accumulates just from participating in politics or reading about the latest crisis. Consider designating an hour to disconnect either in the morning before you start your day or in the evening to unwind. Ignoring the chaos in the world, even if for just a few minutes, can help you focus on personal blessings and feel newly refreshed.
5. Focus on the future.
One of the easiest ways to put all our mistakes and regrets out of our minds is to leave the past where it is. Instead of wasting the present focusing on what could have or should have been, let’s keep our eyes looking toward the future. After all, we haven’t made those mistakes yet! Think of all the possibilities and let yourself daydream of your life in a few months or even years. Maybe your future includes a new love, family, or career. However, present stress can blind us from these opportunities. The future is bright and even beautifully scary because it is filled with so much possibility, which makes life one amazing blessing in itself.