Bad days are inevitable. Even though it is never fun to have one, they do make us appreciate good days even more. So when you find yourself having one of those dreaded "I shouldn't have even gotten out of bed" days, here are five easy ways to give yourself a little hope and show you that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
1. Call an old friend.
This is usually my immediate go to. Talking to someone that knows you really well and that has seen you at your best, and unfortunately your worst, puts things into prospective. Whatever happened today, in the grand scheme of things, probably is not that bad. On top of being able to vent, it will probably give you a couple of great laughs too. This is because good friends remind you that your most embarrassing and worst days turn into some of the best memories that you’ll be able to laugh about later, and NEVER live down. Even if they do not seem like it at the time.
2. Take a minute to remember what you’re thankful for.
It’s extremely common when having a bad day to only think about the negatives and how you think the world is against you. When you start to feel this way, take a second, breathe and think about all the awesome things you have going for you. Maybe even do a small prayer if that gives you solace. Just appreciating life and all the opportunities you do have will give you that boost to push through the rest of your day.
3. Coffee.
So if just being thankful isn’t exactly giving you the “push” you need, go get your own. Go treat yourself to whichever caffeinated concoction gets you going. Taking a break and doing something for yourself is a good way to turn a bad day around.
4. Get organized.
Most bad days spawn from lack of planning or being unprepared; so go make a to-do list, clean your room, start that paper that’s due next week—anything that will help you feel satisfied. At the very least you’ll make this "not so good day" a productive one. Of course, there are bad days that you have absolutely no control over, but this will prevent bad days from lack of readiness occurring in the future. Yay for fewer bad days!
5. Smile.
Even though it sounds silly, putting a smile on that good looking face of yours is the easiest way to feel better. Even though it may not seem like it today, you always have a reason to smile. Smiling may also give reassurance to another person who is also having a bad day. Smile away friends!