We all think it's so hard to create healthy habits for ourselves. Let's be real, you probably rolled your eyes at this post, I get you bro, I get anxiety too when the word "healthy" pops up in conversation.
But OMG it does not have to be so hard! Take this as one more sign to turn your life around and get on that healthy train that everybody seems to be eager to ride these days; with all these crazy conspiracy theories about health. I'm sorry, dude, but I am absolutely not feeding myself a spoonful of coconut oil every morning, nope, not happening.
If you're like me, and just want to feel like you're winning at life at least a little bit, follow my "actually I think I can do that" advice.
1. Plan your day.
Always set your priorities. There's nothing sexier than an organized human. Just kidding there are sexier things, but It's sexy to have your stuff together, trust me. Once you set your priorities and organize yourself, you suddenly realize you have time for so many other things. I mean, come on, life is kinda great when you actually HAVE time for once. So stop procrastinating and delaying this! Just get a planner, and get yourself organized.
2. Have a break after every hour of work.Â
NOTHING is sooo important that you can't take a five-minute break. For "think-work," you use the prefrontal cortex (PFC), the "thinking part" of your brain. When you are doing goal-oriented work that requires real concentration, the PFC keeps you focused on your goals. It is also responsible for logical thinking, executive functioning, and using willpower. I mean come on! That's a lot of responsibility, it needs a break! Give yourself a break to relax and breath, when you overexercise that part of your brain it can create blockage and can become overly tired, you won't be able to get any good work done.
3. Stretch several times a day.Â
Stretching improves your energy levels, reduces soreness, enhances your flexibility, promotes blood circulation, improves your posture and relieves stress, so basically it saves your life. When you stretch your body just feels better, relaxed. We hold and accumulate a lot of tension throughout our day stretching them helps relieve that tension and stress your body holds.
4. Drink more water.Â
Stay hydrated! Drink up, just pretend it vodka and chug without thinking twice. Just kidding, but seriously drinking water is so important! Water increases brain power and produces energy, promotes healthy weight management and weight loss, flushes out toxins from your body, improves your complexion, and boosts your immune system. This is only some of the amazing benefits of staying hydrated.
5. Spend time with people you love, but also make time for yourself.
Everybody gets lonely, everybody needs a friend, but sometimes all we need is ourselves. Spending time with your loved ones is just as important as spending time with yourself.
See? It's not that hard. A few of these things you probably hear from your mom every day, so this is me telling you to JUST DO IT!