For many people, college is their first time being alone. The first time they get to decide when or what to eat, or when to study, or even when (or if) to go to class. It’s also the first time they have to deal with stress on their own. Coping isn’t something most people think about when they’re headed to college, and only becomes something to deal with when stressors introduce themselves. For me, it was making new friends and passing exams. Going to a completely new environment can be challenging, and these are the best ways I’ve found to cope with any stress that college might throw your way.
1. Realize that it is normal to be stressed out in college
EVERYBODY in college is stressed, and it’s completely normal. Whether you are a freshman or a senior, a big exam or paper is always going to stress you out. If it’s not that it’s finding internships, or jobs, or time to hang out with friends. College is busy, and at one point or another I guarantee you are going to be stressed, and that is completely normal.2. Figure out how you cope best
The way you thought you might cope in college might not be what actually helps you de-stress and take your mind off things. In high school you might have gone on runs and assumed that would continue. And it could, but you could also find that surrounding yourself with friends or just watching TV works much better for you now. College is different, and finding the things that work for you in your new setting is key.
3. Make a conscious effort to make friends
This might seem silly and obvious, but it’s really important. Many people get to college and stick with their roommates or hallmates and do everything with them. This is not a bad thing by any means, but it’s important to seek out other people in class or clubs that you share interest with. You may not have everything in common with the people on your floor and it’s important to find people you can share different interest with. (It also gives you a great partner for projects and an instant study group!)
4. Find a hobby that you can do with a group of friends
If you can find something that you love to do, than the people doing the activity will already have that in common with you. For me it’s craft club, I’m not the most artistic, but going one night a week or when I have free time and doing something as simple as painting a flower pot is so much fun. It’s a break from everything and I know that the people I go with are just as excited about pausing everything and doing a simple craft. My other friends all do different things, some have joined sororities, or leadership programs, or club sports. They have found a group of people that love doing the same thing they do, and within that have found great friends.
5. Find a hobby that you can do alone
As I've said before, college is a big change. Finding something that helps you de-stress and take a break from the craziness surrounding you helps immensely. Sometimes alone time is key, whether you are watching tv or going on a hike, finding something that you can do alone is important. A lot of times people say that when they go to college they're going to find themselves. It is often overlooked however that finding yourself does not mean completely changing. It is fine to continue doing things you loved to do at home, and sometimes being alone can help you maintain a sense of self that can otherwise be forgotten.
These tips are completely subjective, and it’s really only through trial and error that you can find what works for you. The last thing I can say is, don’t be afraid to try as many new things as you want. Even if they seem weird to other people, or you don’t know if you will be good at them. Trying is the only way to find out, and if you don’t you could miss out on what helps you hit pause.