Whether you're happy or not about the recent events of this past week, we can all agree that everyone could benefit from some more positivity in their lives. You can still voice opinions and engage in conversations, but adding bits of kindness can go a long way. So here are some ideas and reminders to help you spread some positivity to those you encounter everyday.
1. Smile at those around you.
Do not underestimate the power of a simple smile. You never know what someone else could be going through and your smile could help add a lot to their day.
2. Help others when they need it.
With the massive amounts of hate being spread, those who are feeling victimized by others are in need of your care. Talk with them and defend them. Let them know that you are their ally.
3. Spread laughter.
Social media has turned into a black hole of negativity this past week. Mix it up a bit. Obama and Biden memes have been a huge hit. Share the laughter by sharing your favorite one or twenty!
4. Surround yourself with good people.
Positive friends can help grow positive attitudes. Don't coop yourself up in your room when your classes are done. Take time to be with your friends because they are the key to helping make a crappy day/week better.
5. Be respectful and kind.
Before you speak or act, think. Nothing gets accomplished when you yell at and degrade someone because of their stances or opinions. There's enough of that going around. We all need more kindness in this world and it starts with you.