For as long as I could remember, I have dreaded mornings. I have always been a night owl, but I envied those who could wake up early and start their days with a smile. I wanted to be one of those people so bad. Recently, I’ve been working on slowly but surely turning myself into a wannabe morning person. Small adjustments to your morning routine can really make a difference in the rest of your day.
1. Wake Up Earlier
I feel like this one is obvious, but can sometimes be done wrong. If you wake up an hour earlier than usual right off the bat, your body is not going to naturally adjust. Try waking up five to ten minutes earlier than you regularly would. Each day, wake up just a little bit earlier than the day before. Gradually you will be waking up earlier than you ever could, and it won’t even feel like it!
2. Have Quiet Time
Whatever your quiet time looks like, do that. Whether you're reading a book, a morning devotional, going to a yoga class, or just taking a couple minutes to stretch, it’s important to take some time for yourself. Taking a couple minutes each morning to be with yourself and your thoughts can help relax your mind and prepare you for the day. It’s also important to take a little time away from technology. I know it's super tempting to wake up and immediately check Instagram, but quiet times really sets a peaceful tone for the rest of your morning.
3. Wake Up At The Same Time Every Morning
This one is definitely hard for myself. The days I have class later in the morning, I am tempted to continue to hit the snooze button. The more often you wake up at the same time, the more your body will get use to waking up at that time. It will get easier each day! Obviously, this is a lot harder to follow on the weekends, but hey, It’s all about the balance!
4. "Get Ready" The Night Before
I overlooked the importance of this for so many years. Picking out your outfit and packing your backpack or purse the night before can save a lot more time than you would think. Having everything set up the night before can also avoid a lot of stress. Just because I had mentally picked out an outfit in my head did not mean I knew where every single piece was. Setting everything out the night before allows myself time to look for items that I might have misplaced.
5. Reward Yourself!
Rewarding yourself is so important! My favorite way to reward myself after waking up on time is coffee. There is nothing that says good morning like big cup of hot coffee! If coffee isn’t your thing there are tons of other options! Reward yourself with your favorite cereal, or treat yourself to the latest edition of your favorite magazine! Becoming a morning person is not the easiest, so make sure you treat yourself for a job well done!