Being intentional in everything you do is the key to success and happiness. This past week, on my trip to New York, I learned just how important it is to be intentional with everyone and everything you interact with. That could mean talking to a co-worker for just a few extra minutes or spending more time actively trying to meet people. Here's a few tips on how to start being more intentional:
1. Know your identity
Remember who you are and your core values in every situation you go into. Remember who your King is and who you want to be. Ultimately this will make you succeed in all the other categories!
2. Don’t let fear stop you from friendships
We avoid talking to people because we are scared it will be “awkward” or “weird.” I’ve learned lately that the worst that can happen with any kind of conversation isn't actually that bad. Say you ask a classmate to lunch to get to know them better and then they say “no,” well then simply move on and ask another! Don't let the fear of awkwardness stop you from meeting all sorts of new people.
3. Seek new opportunities
Never settle! Always live life looking for more ways to be successful and keep your dreams big! Even if you don't like change, you'll be surprised the benefits new opportunities can bring into your life.
4. Stop rushing
No, we both know that 99 percent of the time you actually aren't in a rush, you just aren't in the mood to chat. Stop this daily routine of rushing around and ignoring people. Be more intentional with your conversations. Be more personal and more empathetic. This will help you gain much better long-term friendships with unexpected people!
5. Live with the big picture in mind
This one is actually very easy to forget. We live in our setting, whether it be high school, college, or the daily routine with your hubby and kids. We only think about the specific point in life we are at and forget that there is so much more to come! Living with the big picture in mind gives us more hope and excitement for the future.