A common denominator that seemingly unites us all is our quest for happiness. Happiness — the nine-letter word composed of three vowels and six consonants whose presence and absence in our lives is significant to us. Perhaps the most the elusive human emotion, happiness is something we cherish when it’s there and certainly yearn for when it is not.
The following five suggestions can assist you in making happiness a more sustained part of your life:
1. Keep a gratitude journal.
While this may elicit a few eye rolls and a scoff or two from some, keeping a gratitude journal has its benefits. Studies have shown that the act of writing down a few things you are grateful for each day can result in a myriad of positive results, including better sleep and increased happiness. When you consciously choose to become a more grateful person, and you decide to acknowledge the aspects of life that you appreciate, you are able to learn what it is you truly value in life. It can certainly help you put things in perspective and can serve as a powerful reminder that there is always something for be grateful for. Whether you realize it or not, there is always something that you have the privilege of doing that someone somewhere else does not. The most seemingly mundane or trivial parts of your day that you regard with insignificance hold much more meaning than you afford them. Perhaps if you recognize these happenings in your life with the appreciation they deserve, you just might find yourself a little more at ease and a little less unsatisfied.
2. Immerse yourself in the activities that you love.
Make time to engage in the hobbies or activities that you enjoy. Having a creative outlet or some way to express yourself is crucial. When you find something that you are truly passionate about, something that inspires you, never let it go. It is easy to become absorbed in school and work and the other areas of life that are full of expectations and responsibilities. It is even easier to place the things that you love doing on the back burner with the excuse that you’re just too busy. While I am not advising you to abandon the aforementioned responsibilities, I am reiterating the fact that it is important to dedicate time to the activities that bring you joy just as frequently as you dedicate time to the more serious and demanding aspects of your life.
3. Confront the issues in your life that are causing you unhappiness.
This may be the most difficult suggestion to apply to your life. It is much easier to avoid your problems and swiftly sweep them under the rug than to confront them. It is easier to say “I’m fine,” or “It doesn’t matter,” in order to escape dealing with issues that may be upsetting or difficult to face. However, eventually you will have a moment when you realize that running away from your problems is ineffective and in no way makes them disappear. While the task of confronting your problems seems daunting and unappealing, remember that you do not have to charge at them full force. Take small steps to begin to tackle this endeavor. Reflect on the parts of your life that affect you negatively, and ask yourself what you can do about them. Always remember, the choice is yours. While you do not have total control over the things that happen in in your life, you do have control over how you respond to them.
4. Look after yourself.
Never underestimate the power of exercise and a healthy diet. Always put your health first! Apply these two simple mantras to your life, and you will reap the benefits. Establishing healthy habits is important and finding the motivation to continue your commitment to your health is equally as important. Whether it be committing to going to the gym at least four times a week, fitting a 30-minute walk into your daily schedule or signing up for a yoga class with friends, find a physical outlet that you enjoy and that gets your body moving. Concerning your diet, educate yourself. Learn about the food that is best for nourishing your body and compare that to the food you currently eat. Is there a disconnect between the two? Exercising and eating healthy are not by any means exclusively for the purpose of “looking good,” but more so for the purpose of feeling good. A sense of personal fulfillment is felt when you know that you are taking the right actions to properly take care of yourself.
5. Take a look at those around you.
Recently, I came across a quote by motivational speaker Jim Rohn that reads, “You are the average of the five people you spent the most time with.” The people you spend your time with have an influence on who you become. It is wise to take a step back and think about the people you surround yourself with. Do you consider them to be positive influences in your life? Do they inspire you to be the best version of yourself you can be? Do they respect and support you? If not, it is worth considering the effect that distancing yourself from these people could have on your happiness.