5. Wake UP
It can be tough to make it to some of those early morning classes, but nothing is more stressful than pressing the snooze button, sleeping too late and rushing to class in Uggs, Nikes and a t-shirt. Try to set your alarm 20 minutes earlier than normal so you have enough time to make coffee, get dressed, and most importantly, not be stressed about making it on time to class.
4. Strive to only go out on the weekends.
Themes, late nights, exciting new people... it can be so tempting, but there is no difference between events on a weekday and the weekend. Weekend are just as fun (even more fun) when you don’t have to stress about getting home at a certain time or missing assignments.
3. Catch your Zzz’s…
Chances are, we all know the empty realization of an alarm going off at 7:30, warning you about your 8 am class. Instead of a surge of energy through your body as you wake up, you can’t help but be tempted to stay in bed. This is the feeling of sleep deprivation. It is a terrible and unescapable, an, in every way, real. Without sleep, your body will begin to shut down, beginning with your brain. Say goodbye to paying attention in class if you went to bed after midnight. 10:30 is the most optimal bedtime for a college student. More sleep = happy self.
2. Eat healthy!
You’ve heard it from your parents since you were little. You’ve heard it from Jennifer Aniston countless times. It. Is. True. Whatever you put into your body, you will know how it makes you feel. Unhealthy food can make you feel sluggish, lethargic, and extremely fatigued. Have you ever tried to study when you’re tired? Exactly… me either. This is why it is so important to stay as healthy as you can in college, so you can be more alert and inevitably, make better grades.
1. Time Freaking Management
I cannot stress this enough. In college, your stress level is constantly going up and down with the dates of due assignments, tests, and projects. It will inevitably get higher without managing your time and knowing what you need to do/finish next. Netflix and procrastination are the devils on all of our shoulders trying to tempt us, but you must do your best not to give in. Plan your week, get your work done… and then you can binge Greys Anatomy with Chinese takeout.