The worst part of any flight out of your immediate timezone is jet lag. Everyone goes through it at least a few times in one's lifetime. You cuddle your pillow at night, staring at your ceiling, wondering if you'll ever fall asleep. The next thing you know, it's morning and you've lost another night.
Here are a few tips to get your schedule regulated and back to normal, post-traveling.
The magic pill that helps you sleep within an hour after taking. They even have adult gummies for those who don't like to swallow pills. You can buy a whole bottle at Walmart for ten bucks. It's a pretty solid investment.
First day back after traveling, stay up a night.
Odds are, you could coming back from another country. For example, Spain is 6 hours ahead of the United States. So, it would probably wise to stay up a night and sleep the next night. You'll be tired, but your schedule could really be helped by doing that.
Avoid Coffee
I know. It'll be the hardest part of your journey. You'll want to stay up, be alert, and fight against the sleepies. However, it'll be better for you to avoid caffeine.
Evade Alcohol.
You'll only increase your dehydration with altitude, so flying home and boozing wouldn't be ideal. Spare yourself the thirst!
Eat Right
Make sure you get your three meals a day, especially that are beneficial towards your health. It can only help in the long run!
Hope these tips were helpful and assist you in your battle with jet lag. May your trip be safe and full of sleep!
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