Finals week has, for good reason, a less-than-stellar reputation in terms of how it influences the mental, and sometimes physical, health of students. While this time of year brings about holiday joy, so too does it entail the stress and anxiety that comes along with a week full of exams, essays, and final projects. Fortunately, there are many ways to make finals as painless as possible.
1) Remember Your Basic Needs
No matter what life brings, it is important not to ignore basic self-care. Taking a shower, cooking a meal, and getting enough rest all do wonders for one's state of mind and as a result, one's productivity. While these things are easy to forget in the bustle of studying, and sometimes cramming, for the end of the semester, the difference they make is well worth it.
2) Take Breaks...But Don't Procrastinate
Sometimes when confronted with stressful situations it can (at first) feel like the best course of action is avoidance. However, as anyone who has ever procrastinated will know, doing so will not work out in one's favor. While it's best to keep good habits throughout the semester it's never too late to turn over a new leaf. Don't let finals week sneak up. Taking breaks is important-- but so is setting aside adequate time to work.
3) Reward Yourself
If the previous tip sounds easier said than done, consider setting incentives as a means of motivation. Tangible rewards like coffee or chocolate can be fun-- or, one might consider simply remembering that the sooner work is finished, the sooner one can relax.
4) Don't Fear Your Professors
Asking for help isn't always easy but in the majority of cases, professors will be more than happy to do what they can if one is willing to seek out assistance. Showing a genuine commitment to one's studies will mean a lot to any instructor and might even land some inside tips on how to do well on the final. Being clear on what is expected is key.
5) Move Around
It's no secret that studying takes a lot of time. But, sitting in one spot for hours on end won't do anything for one's mood, or one's back. While studying, consider getting up to stretch every half hour or so. If restlessness kicks in: walk around, do some light exercise, or find a new place to study to help recharge your energy.