Kids are funny little beings. Having spent a good amount of my teenage years babysitting toddlers and taking care of infants as a job, I've had quite the experience working with children. Taking early childhood development classes in college only expanded my knowledge further, and definitely helped with the job I have now working with the same age groups I mentioned earlier, only now in a developmental learning center. If you haven't already, working with children is definitely something good to have on your resume. Not only is it good for jobs, but also if you plan on having children of your own one day. They may be young, but you learn a lot more from them than you think.
1. How to be a parent 101.
If you work with kids, especially young babies, this is a great way to get a peek at what parenting would be like. Infants are curious, needy, and sometimes just downright cranky. Even though they can't talk yet, you'll learn what each baby needs when they start to get fussy and pick up on their cues.
2. You'll become an expert at time management.
Have 8 kids with 8 completely different schedules and only one other teacher in the room with you? Tough as anything. But you will quickly pick up on how to feed, change, comfort, and put to bed multiple babies successfully. Some days may be hard, but you will learn how to manage the time you have efficiently. This may also carry into your personal life outside of your job, which is definitely a good thing to pick up.
3. No kind of bodily fluid phases you, because you've seen it all.
Spit up, getting peed on, changing a diaper that literally exploded so bad the kid needs a whole new set of clothes, you get the idea. Even if it seems impossible, you're gonna see it at some point.
4. You'll learn from them just as they are learning from you.
You'll learn to have patience. Lots and LOTS of patience. If one of your kids is having a difficult day, you'll learn how to go through just about every possible scenario to figure out what's wrong. You'll also learn their capabilities, and a lot of times they'll surprise you. One day they're babbling, the next day they start saying a couple of new words you taught them. That's the beauty of the job!
5. The feeling you get when you see your kids reach a milestone is incomparable.
You can't help but smile and have this overwhelming sense of pride for them. Each milestone is a huge step in developmental growth, and it's extremely rewarding to be there to witness such a great accomplishment.
Children have this innate need to learn and explore. Working with them not only builds their character, but it will add onto yours as well. You'll have hard days when you feel like nothing is going right, but the days you have when things actually run more smoothly than usual that make up for it. Like I said, the job is never easy, but it's definitely worth it.