As a college freshman living a dorm, I have come across many new scenarios that have required me to take care of myself differently than I had to before I moved out. Being on my own, I don't have my parents to nudge me to get out of bed, go outside, sleep, do my work. The list goes on. The independence and maturity I have acquired from this is almost shocking considering it has only been about eight months. Here is what I have learned keeps me going on my own...
1. Being clean
For starters, CLEANLINESS! Oh goodness is this a fun one. I live in a triple, so besides me I have two other people living in a tiny room! Keeping the room at a certain state of 'clean' enhances your health. I am not over-exaggerating when I say that. Because the room is so small, there are so many germs and unhealthy bacteria that accumulate over time if you don't do your part in cleaning. It is so easy to get sick or spark allergies in a messy space. It may not seem like a huge deal, but when talking about your overall health it is extremely necessary.
2. Fueling my body properly
"I really don't want to gain the freshman fifteen," is exactly what I kept telling myself going into college. To me, the freshman fifteen is a myth. Weight gain and loss are natural throughout your life, but since I have been at college I have learned how to fuel myself properly. Yes, you can definitely gain weight from partying on a consistent basis, but very fortunately that is not my case! (And side note, I'm not just saying that because my mother is reading this!!) It is all about fueling your body in the correct ways. In college, it is especially hard because you are on a tight budget and the cafeteria food is usually never top notch. Drinking water is also a MUST! It is so easy to become dehydrated because you forget to drink water. It will help you balance out your health and is so necessary!
3. Exercising
It is also crucial to allow myself time in the day to get exercise. It does not have to be a crazy workout. I know a lot of people who absolutely hate going to the gym but they get in at least a walk a day. At USF it is kind of impossible to avoid the Lone Mountain stairs, and for those of you who have no clue what I am talking about, you are blessed! Just kidding, sort of. But, actually being able to get your blood flowing and be active is proven to show signs of improvement in overall health and happiness. As Elle Woods so wisely put it, " Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t."
4. Maintaining mental health
Aside from maintaining a physically healthy lifestyle, I put mental health first, above everything. Being away from home, the heavy work load, feeling lonely--it can all get very overwhelming. It is super important for me to maintain open communication with my friends, parents, or whoever I confide in, in the case that I am stressed and anxious. I have commonly seen a huge amount of college students suffer from depression or some sort of mental instability due to these factors amongst many others. Mental health should always come first before anything else. Sometimes, you just need to take a single day, alone or with friends, and escape all of the stress and anxiety that is thrown at you! I have definitely done this, and it is so helpful. Take care of yourself!! YOU come first!
These are the things I have found to be most important to me these past months. I am sure that, over the years, I will begin to find more than allows me to take better care of myself. It is part of becoming an adult. At some point, you have to learn to be on your own and make your way through the world. These problems may seem minor, but it is essential that you learn these skills because, and as I have seen, they carry out through each step of your life.