5 Ways To Spend Spring Break Stuck In Your College Town | The Odyssey Online
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5 Ways To Spend Spring Break Stuck In Your College Town

Sometimes break just creeps up on you

5 Ways To Spend Spring Break Stuck In Your College Town

Ugh, it's finally Spring Break. Bless up.

Some of you have travelled to sunny places (lucky you).

Some of you have gone home (say hi to the fam).

And some of you let Spring Break creep up on you and you got no plans.


And that's okay. Here's some things to do if you're stuck in your college town.

1. Sleep

With no classes and a lot of people away, it's the perfect time to sleep. Yes. ALL the sleep. Catch up on it because it's going to be hard to find between post spring break and finals.

2. Work out

I know that doesn't sound like fun at all. But as someone who feels like they haven't utilized the wellness facilities on campus, I know I'm going to at least try to go to the rec center over break.

3. Binge that show you've been holding off on

You might not have been able to watch your favorite new binge because of classes and work and all that fun college stuff. Now is the time to binge it. Or, at least binge it without being stressed about using it as a procrastination method.

4. Explore your college town

Plenty of us are confined solely to campus during the academic year. There's so much more to your college town though. I mean, have you been to Main Street? Go bowling, get 4 Queens or Scratch, get off campus for a day and just explore.

5. Plan ahead

If college hasn't given you any time to think ahead, this is a good time. Granted, it might be a little stressful during a time where you're supposed to be on break. But take time to figure out what you could see yourself doing for the summer or (if you're graduating) a career starter and start looking into those jobs and internships and apply.

*For real though: anytime anyone tries to do anything in preparation past lunch the next day...*

Whatever you do, just do it! Enjoy break!

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