With the end of the semester coming and the holidays approaching faster then we ever thought they would, we realize that grades and life are starting to become final. Some of us are just trying to get through the semester in order to make it to the freedom of Christmas break, and some are graduating and facing the reality that real life is what follows this semester.
1. Don't stress about the things you can't control.
The end of the semester is especially stressful because all of the biggest papers, tests, and presentations of the semester are all due within one week. Your best work is expected while you are dealing with everyday life like work, and trying to maintain your personal well being. The holidays are coming so during your free time you don't want to be studying or writing a paper, you want to spend it with the people you love and may not see that often. Do your best but don't become overworked or upset, take each project a little at a time and break it down to manageable pieces.
2. Stay organized.
Make sure you know when your due dates are and try to plan how much time each project or studying will take. look at the next few weeks and set deadlines and a schedule for when you will get things done and stick to it. By doing this you can look at your life with a peace of mind. Try to figure out your work schedule as well and schedule projects and studying around that as well. Keeping your life organized can minimize surprises that may stress you out later.
3. Make the most of your time.
Study and do homework in a place where you won't be distracted. Maximize the time that you have so you can turn in your best work and still have some time for yourself. By eliminating distractions you are able to stay more focused.
4. Ask for help if needed.
Don't be afraid to ask peers or use resources on campus in to help you. Ask a friend to look over your paper, or listen to a presentation. Go see a tutor or take time to see your professor during office hours. There is always help as long as you look for it.
5. Eat healthy and get sleep.
The most important thing to do during the end of the semester is to keep yourself healthy. There is nothing worse than being sick or tired while trying to study. Add stress onto all of that and you will just end up with a huge mess. Pre-make some meals and stay away from junk as much as you can. You can reward yourself with treats after everything is done.
After everything is done make sure to celebrate and reward yourself. School is hard work and sometimes we forget about ourselves. Finish this semester off on a high note so you can feel good about whatever is to come next.