We live in a crazy world, and oftentimes it's easy to feel as though there is nowhere we can go to escape and relax. However, with just a few changes, a bedroom can be transformed into a space of peace and rest.
1. Make your room an electronics free zone.
Too much screen time can cause an increase in stress and anxiety. Make a point to leave all electronics at the door. If you have to store them in your room, keep them off and store them in a place that's out of sight. This may seem extreme for some people, but it can make a significant difference in the energy of a space.
2. Keep it clean
We're all guilty of leaving clothes or miscellaneous items strewn around our room at some time or another (For some of us, it's all the time). But getting into the habit of keeping a tidy room will not only make it look more inviting to the eye, but it will also make you feel more put together.
3. Change up the lighting
All photographers know that lighting is a key component to how a picture looks, and the same can be said for the appearance of a room. It's hard to go wrong with hanging up string lights, but even a small lamp can create a cozy atmosphere.
4. Try aromatherapy
Using certain oils or scents, such as lavender, can have a calming effect on the body. Invest in essential oils or a diffuser if you're able to. This is also excellent for those who suffer from allergies - using a diffuser can clear congestion and clear your mind as well.
5. Train your brain: room = relax
No matter what physical changes you make to your bedroom, the most important changes you can make are mental ones. Start being mindful of how you feel when you're in your room - is it different from how you feel elsewhere? Do you feel more or less stressed? Making a conscious effort to create an external sacred space will reflect how you feel internally.