A simple and easy guide to make the rest of the world think you are a "normal" person. That you are not crippled under the stress of life that makes life seem impossible. Following the steps allows you to live a life stress free or at least give the allusion that you are stress free.
1. Do not cry in public
Crying in public shows that you are weak and thus can not function properly. Hold back those tears instead. You should save them for important situations including, but not limited to, being dumped/breaking up with your significant other, funerals or pets becoming ill or sadly passing. It is especially important to hold back your tears if you can not find any food in your house, dorm or other living quarters, you feel you have too much homework, your professor gave you a pop quiz, your boss looked at you wrong, or because all you want is cheese but you can’t seem to find any.
2. Become a serial monogamist
They say relationships are what make a person whole. So fill the void of loneliness by dating someone. When that doesn’t work out just find someone new. Things may never last but hey you are acting like a functioning part of society and isn’t that the point?
3. Learn Slang
This is a smart move. Now you can communicate with those around you. Make sure to understand phrases such as but not limited to: Netflix and chill, sugar mama/daddy, on fleek, and many others. This way you know what it means when your new boo asks you to "Netflix and chill" or how to react when someone says, "Your eye brow game is on fleek!" The world will make more sense to you and you will seem like you are a part of society.
4. Never say no to hanging out with people
Always go out with friends, coworkers, classmates or anyone who asks. Make time for everyone. Never stay home alone, that isn't okay at all. If you do stay home invite friends over. No one wants to be seen as a loner. Always do something with someone else, even if you aren't in the mood. If you have time for friends then the stress must not be getting to you.
5. Do not take any of my advice
Honestly, I wish there was a set of rules that would help everyone understand the world a little better. Sadly, this is not the case and the world we live in is ever confusing and hard to figure out. What really matters is that your time is spent doing the things you honestly and truly care about. Once you spend the time you want the way you want then your time will not be too overwhelming and make you want to cry all the time. Do what makes you happy and the stress of life will not be so horrible.