If I have not expressed how much I love Fall, then I have failed to represent myself. Fall is such a wonderful season because it is absolutely perfect! The leaves are a vibrant orange with the combination of brown and yellow, the wind comes out to play more, it is chilly enough where heavy jackets are not required to keep warm, and all the seasonal smells that begin to pop up all around because of the four big American holiday's coming up: Halloween, November, Christmas and New Years.
Because I love Fall so much, there are ten ways I do to prepare myself and my surroundings for my favorite season.
1. I start to wear my summer clothes more and more until it is no longer acceptable to wear my skirts, dresses, and even shorts because it is too cold and windy in the mornings to try to put up with Mother Nature. I am a person who gets cold easily and does not like feeling uncomfortable.
2. I slowly begin to put my scarfs on display for myself. This also makes it easier to grab one when I am running late in the mornings or I just need to quickly choose a scarf for last minute plans.
3. I start browsing on the internet for Halloween costume once mid-September hits. I make a list of the different personas I could dress up as and how I can get the cheapest deals. I might be window shopping for costumes, but I am still a broke college student. I also start online-window shopping for fall clothing because I always want more long-sleeved shirts.
4. I start searching Netflix and all other places where I could watch my favorite Halloween and Holiday movies and accumulating a list. I believe that Fall does not properly start unless there are movies involved. I will usually watch these on my own, but having movie nights with friends is fun too.
5. Last, but not least, I make sure my mugs are always ready for me to grab whenever I feel like drinking a nice cup of tea or even hot chocolate. Drinking warm liquids is just another way to get into the atmosphere and I know atmospthere is everything when I want to fully embracace the Fall season.