Are you college student in need of some hard earned cash? Maybe you think you’re too busy and can never find the time to get an actual job. What if I tell you that I am currently maintaining 6 jobs? Well here are 5 tips to making money in college.
1. Off-campus job/intern in your field of work
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It’s always great to have some experience before you graduate college and if you have a little bit of time to go off-campus to work, this is a great opportunity. Sure you could work at the local grocery store and make money, but what if you try something bigger and better. For two years, I worked as a Band instructor in a local high school. Currently I’m working as a web developer at a company that designs and develops websites for law firms. Money + Experience = a great college job.
2. On-campus Work Study
Find a job on campus that allows you to study while you’re working. Typically these are jobs like being a student assistant in the library, a receptionist for the chapel, working at an IT desk. What’s great about these jobs, is that you actually are able to study more than you are working.
3. On-Campus Regular Job
These jobs come in multiple different sizes. You could work in the dining hall or food court and serve food, you could work for the Alumni house and make phone calls to alumni while asking for donations. There are tons of employment opportunities on your campus and sometimes the best thing to do is to ask the department who hosts your major.
Last year, I was a Resident Assistant or RA. This year, I work in the Music department as a Stage Manager and a Sound Engineer. Both things that I can put on my resume and since I am required to go to recitals and concerts throughout the year, I am able to fulfill this requirement, while also getting paid.
4. Tutoring
College is a place to learn and what better way to learn than by teaching. If you are exceptionally talented in a certain subject or at least got an A in the class and understand the material, all you have to do is sign up with Student Services and you can be paid to tutor someone.
5. Student Classifieds
Did you know that your college may have a student classifieds section online? Well they most likely do! Not only can you find students that want to sell things, but you could also offer your services to other students.