It is upon is: spring semester. Fall semester has come and gone and somehow winter break is already over.
But 2017 is finally here and this is the time to look your GPA in the eye and let it know who's boss. Here are some tips on how to kick ass this spring:
1. Plan, plan, plan.
I have asked so many of my friends if they keep a planner in college and for whatever reason that is primarily associated with high school. But honestly, if I didn't have my planner in college, I would not survive. Make sure you plan out ahead of time when projects, essays, and assignments are due, that way, you can always be on time and know what's ahead. If you have a busy week, you'll know to really hit the books and maybe reschedule your wine-down Wednesday. This leads into my next point:
All my life I have been a procrastinator, and I probably always will be at certain things (I will forever put off cleaning my room). However, I've learned that procrastinating your school work does way more harm than good, and it never works out in your favor. As you schedule your weeks, make sure you plan for time to study and do your work so that you still are able to go out on the weekends and have time to do the things you want to do.
3. Make time to workout.
This might sound a little cliche, and maybe even a little self-explanatory, but you really need to make time 2-3 times a week to do workouts that you enjoy. Whether you just get on the elliptical, go for a jog, or go to your favorite yoga class, working out is a quintessential part of living a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It's also a perfect time to completely take your mind off of school, work, and other stressers in your life and be able to have one-on-one time with yourself.
4. Set goals for the semester.
Everyone has a goal to make straight A's or to land that internship or be put on council for their sorority, but set realistic, weekly or biweekly goals for yourself this semester. Small goals are a good way to stay on top of your school work and other extra-curricular activities and are also a great way to build your self-confidence. For example, set a goal that by the end of the second week of the semester you need to have made at least 3 new friends in your classes. Once you start accomplishing these small goals every week, you'll start to be able to set bigger goals and stick to them!
5. Make time for yourself.
Aside from working out, you do need to set aside time to do things completely unrelated to school that you just enjoy doing for fun. Don't allow yourself to be so caught up in your school or job that you completely forget you have hobbies and friends. Make school and work a priority, but also make yourself and your needs priorities, too. College should be enjoyable, make the most of it!
This semester is going to be your semester to shine. This semester is your time to be the best student, friend, daughter, son, brother, sister, boyfriend, girlfriend, coworker that you can be. This is the time to be the best you.
Don't let any obstacles get in your way of achieving your goals, and always remember that you are working towards something so much bigger than you realize. You are going to make a difference in this world 10 years down the line, so stick to your guns, set goals for yourself, follow through with them, and enjoy these years as they pass by; time isn't forever and you only get to enjoy such a small part of this big world in your short lifetime. Seize the day!