Ahh, a new year. A time for New Year's resolutions and posts such as "new year, new me" all over Facebook. The beginning of a new year is full of such hope and promise that slowly fizzles out by mid- February. The gym-going resolution people will be done by the end of January as will be their new fad diets. This leads into the depressing, boring months before we see a glimmer of spring in March. To stop this endless, spinning cycle, here are 5 ways to keep your resolutions strong throughout 2016.
1. Set (realistic) goals.
If you barely stepped into a gym in 2015, odds are you won't be able to make it five times a week in 2016. Set goals that are moderately easy to achieve, and once you meet those goals, you will feel so accomplished that you can set another goal to achieve!
2. Hold yourself accountable.
If you didn't realize it in 2015, the only person you can count on this year is YOU. Be your own motivation and get your -ish done! Learn to push yourself, be positive and you will reap the benefits as you knock out all your resolutions.
3. Create a Dream Board.
For those of you who don't know what a dream board is, it is essentially a giant poster board where you put magazine clippings of your favorite celebrities, motivational quotes and anything that inspires you, and you hang it somewhere where you will see it everyday. This board that you created will be a constant reminder to keep striving towards your goals, be creative everyday and it's super fun to make! It's a win, win, win!
4. Journal your journey!
Whether you enjoy journaling/blogging already or not, it's a great way to track your progress and have something to look back on for motivation. Do this everyday before be. Use the journal to set more goals, cross some off your list or use it for more inspirational quotes you may need to remind you why you started all of this in the first place!
5. Don't be too hard on yourself.
So what you didn't get that job? When one door closes, another door is always right there waiting for you to kick it down. So what you went to the gym four times last week rather then five? So WHAT you didn't get an A+ on that paper?! Life is all about moving forward and enjoying the ride! Be kind to yourself and celebrate those little victories this year.