Whether you are in college or not, this time of year is probably the most stressful. The weather's getting warmer and you want to spend all your time experiencing it, but then you remember you go to school. The work piles up and you begin to get frustrated and sometimes lose your sanity. But don't worry, because if you follow these five tips, your physical and mental health will improve, with time of course.
1. Drink more water!!!!
I know you've heard this one before, but contrary to popular belief it ACTUALLY helps. If you drink more water, you will have more energy, it'll improve weight loss, it'll boost your immune system, and my personal favorite, it'll clear your skin!!!
2. Get a good nights sleep (or attempt to)
We all love sleep, don't we? But I'm sure we all take advantage of it when the time comes. It's understandable when you have to finish assignments and have to sacrifice your own sleep in order to get a good grade, but doing that all the time isn't good for your health. If you sleep more it'll, improve your memory, get your creative juices flowing (so improve your brain activity), IMPROVE YOUR GRADES, and improve your attention span.
3. Deal with stress in new ways
One way that I have learned to deal with stress is by investing in some herbal medicinal techniques. Essential oils are almost guaranteed to help soothe your mind. Just by simply smelling oils like, lavender, rose, and chamomile, will relax you, without putting toxins into your body.
4. Eat the right things
We've all been down this road. I know I have many times. But after a while, I realized how important it is to fuel yourself with the right food. If you eat right, everything will follow. It will provide nutrients that will help your brain develop and ultimately just make you feel better!
5. Surround yourself with the right people
Part of your mental health begins with who you interact with. If you find people who you are comfortable with, it'll take the pressure off of you immediately. It doesn't matter who it is, but if they are the main reason for your stress, it is time to let go and move on. The world is so much better than they put it out to be.