To say the least, I've had my fair share of bad days. We've all experienced those types of days that make you want to curl into a ball on your bed and stay there (forever), which in the end only makes you feel worse. I hate those days and I imagine that you do too. So, here are 5 tips that I've discovered helped me improve my mood when the world seems to be stacked against me:
Get outside and breathe in some fresh air.
It may seem like the most obvious thing in the world, but this tip always helps me.
Whenever life gets to be too much and I start to feel the pressure build inside my chest, the best thing for me to do is to take a walk — letting go of that negative energy. There's nothing better than feeling the fresh air and bright sun on your skin after a rough day. If you feel better walking, exercising or even just sitting outside, do that.
Regardless of the activity, you should do something that makes you feel happy. The specific activity doesn't matter. What's most important is that you feeling better with an improved outlook on the world.
Curl up on the couch and read your favorite book in the world.
Personally, reading is one of my favorite hobbies — ever.
Reading allows you to take a step back and escape from the stresses of life. Books allow you to engage your mind and be someone new in a fantastical world outside our own.
I usually choose mystery books to read since they make me focus my energy toward solving the mystery. However, this typically works with any genre or style of book. So, dive into your book shelf. Happy reading!
Shuffle your favorite music playlist.
In all forms, music holds a significant role in people's lives by allowing them to express their thoughts and emotions. Undoubtedly, it's an art form that allows emotion to flow through every note. When I'm feeling down, I start off listening to slower and sadder songs to get it all out. As time goes on, I play happier and more upbeat songs to lift my mood.
Music also helps if you play an instrument or love to sing. Let all of your negative emotions leave your body as you direct your energy into the song.
Turn on your favorite TV show/movie/podcast.
This activity is strikingly similar to reading. Listening to videos allows you to divert your attention to other (less stressful) topics. Re-watching old favorites — or trying out something new — is a great way to take your mind off things.
"New Girl" as it's one of my favorite TV shows. Honestly, it's just guaranteed to lift your spirits. Then, "Grown Ups 1" or "Grown Ups 2" are my go-to funny movies. Finally, "Gettin' Better with Ron Funches," which my roommate highly recommends, is a podcast to listen to on a bad day.
There is so much content out there to explore that is both lively and uplifting! Many works allows you to move out of your rough spot. Go search!
Just cry.
You've just got to let it out sometimes. It's not healthy to keep everything bottled up until one day you ultimately explode. These days — as sucky as they can be — are always going to come and go. You can't help it when bad days happen, but what you can do is work to move past them.
Let go of the feelings that are tying you down and leave it in the past. These thoughts and feelings shouldn't define you. Know that you are worth it. So, put in the necessary time and energy to make your day better! Just do it!
I hope these tips help you get out of your slump!!!