If you're reading this, I'm sorry, but Halloween has ended. It's come and gone as it does every year, and will not be back for another 365 days. No matter how you spend Halloween, it's never easy to see it leave. If you don't know how to get over the conclusion of this spooky time of year, here are some tips, inspired by the five stages of grief, for what you can do to move on.
1. Denial
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If you wake up on November 1 and don't want to accept that it's no longer October, just do what you do with all of your problems: Ignore it. I suggest staying in bed wearing your costume, watching scary movies, eating candy, and refusing to look at any calendars, because the second you look at the date you'll no longer be able to neglect reality. Also, make sure you stay away from people, unless the individuals you see on a daily basis are willing go along with the illusion that it's still Halloween.
2. Anger
It's not your fault that Halloween ended. if it was up to you, every day would be Halloween. So just take it out on everything and everyone around you. Punch your pillow, yell at your friends about how it's their fault that it's November, and that they didn't drink enough pumpkin spice lattes while it was still the prime time to get them, or go to a graveyard and get mad at the ghosts for not being trendy all year round. Again, it's not your fault: It's everyone else's, and they should know it.
3. Bargaining
Drive to your closest Target and beg the manager to not put away the Halloween decorations yet, because you just need more time. Bribe your friends into throwing a belated costume party by promising them that you'll get over the end of Halloween after it's over. Except you're lying, because you'll never get over it. This is the time to start insisting that next year will be different, and that you'll savor the time you had with Halloween while it was still here.
4. Depression
Just cry it out. There's nothing wrong with being sad, so let it all out. Look at all of the pictures you took in your costume and think about the great time you had and how much you miss it. Watch "Halloween" for the sixth time and mourn the fact that it's going to be another year until the movie is relevant to other people, not just you. It's important to be afraid on Halloween, but don't be afraid to sad once it's over.
5. Acceptance
It's Christmas time now. Christmas is an amazing time of year, filled with so much positivity, goodwill to all, and that Charlie Brown Christmas special that makes you cry every time you watch it. Or maybe for you it's not Christmas; it could be Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or whatever you choose to celebrate. The bottom line is that it's officially the middle of the holiday season, and even though you're sad to see it go, Halloween is the best way to start off all of the festivities. And now you have all this time to start planning your costume for next year, because even though you'll miss Halloween, you know that it'll always come back.