Summer is the time in a college kid’s life to go home, to work, to relax and to hang out with old friends from high school. But sometimes during those three months, you can lose track of the friends you just made during the school year. Here are a couple ways to keep up and keep those friends.
1. Follow them on social media
This should probably go without saying, but an easy way to keep in touch is through social media. Sometimes when you’re just meeting new people, it can be easy to forget to add them on Facebook. Usually Facebook connects to other platforms that you can easily find your new friends on.
2. Keep up with their posts
Likes, reblogs, retweets, comments, whatever they are called, people like to get positive ones. It only takes a second to click or tap, but people will remember your support and your name when they get that notification. It doesn’t mean you have to like every photo, status, and tweet, but make sure you show it when they post something you really like.
3. Make a point of texting/talking to them regularly
Besides interactions on social media, it’s important to keep up more personal contact, even if it’s through a phone or a computer. Sometimes it’s easy to assume you’re friends already and not put very much effort into contacting them because it’s the summer time. Make a point to ask them how their day is going and have a conversation with them about once a week at least.
4. Use them in social media posts
Don’t get me wrong, it’s always hilarious (or embarrassing!) to dig up really old photos to use for throwback Thursdays or flashback Fridays. However, putting up a newer photo with your college friends is a nice way to show them you’re still thinking about them, and it almost always feels good to have someone include you in a social post.
5. Visit them
Of course, this one is not always possible, but if you can drive to see them, try to make plans to do that. Do both of you live halfway from your favorite city, or a beach, or a mountain? Meet there and spend the day together shopping, hiking, swimming, going out to eat, seeing a movie. There are so many ways to connect in person, and visiting would be a memorable way to connect without the stress of college. If you can’t visit them at all, sending them pictures of your adventures or day to day life is still a fun way to connect.