5 Ways To Finish The Semester Well | The Odyssey Online
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5 Ways To Finish The Semester Well

(even when you would rather be at the beach)

5 Ways To Finish The Semester Well

I don't know about you, but spring break left me feeling like it's already summer time. Having the time off was refreshing, but it was almost a joke. It feels like you should be done with the semester, but in reality, your to do list is still pretty long. So as the temptation builds to throw all your textbooks out the car window and drive back to the beach, you've got a choice to make. As horrible as it sounds, these last few weeks are the tipping point between two letter grades. Put in the work now, and you'll reap the benefits later. So what can you do when the motivation is waning and you really just want to go dig your toes in the sand? Here are some things you can aim for to get over that post-break slump and finish well in your classes:

1. Make a list of all the assignments and tests you have left.

Make an exhaustive list of everything you have due from now until the end of the semester. Make sure to include tests, exams, quizzes, papers, projects, readings, etc. Type it up on pretty paper and put it somewhere you will see it every day. Highlight each task as you finish. The end is in sight!

2. Create study groups.

Get together with people from your classes to study for your upcoming tests and finals. It will be much more bearable with people who have to complete the same things you do. Plus, when you have accountability, you will be more likely to get the work done.

3. Make gaps of time for work.

Set aside times that you're going to do homework, and stick to them. Light a candle (maybe not, if you're in a dorm), put on some calm music, grab a hot drink, make your to do list, and get going. Do homework for an hour or two. I promise you'll feel so much better when you've got some of it done. You might just find that you really enjoy the information you're learning if you're not trying to cram it all in at once before finals.

4. Give yourself breathing space.

Go-go-go just doesn't work out for most people. Your brain gets too full, you end up with a headache, you're too tired to think clearly when you're trying to do my homework, and the list goes on. Personally, I need rest to gain motivation. Listen to some music, read a novel, do a devotional, go to a yoga class, or go for a hike. Do something that takes your mind off the homework so that you will feel rested and recharged when you start back.

5. Work during the day so that you can relax at night.

Or vice versa! Whether you're a morning or a night person, try to chunk your work. You will feel much more rested, both physically and mentally if you can really let go for hours at a time. Work hard while you do work so you can rest even better afterwards.

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