5 Ways Essential Oils Benefit College Students | The Odyssey Online
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5 Ways Essential Oils Benefit College Students

Keeping you holistically healthy, one drop at a time.

5 Ways Essential Oils Benefit College Students

You've seen essential oils being lauded all over Pinterest and advertised by old friends on Facebook. Chances are, you've scrolled down and mentally categorized essential oils into the same box as tea that promises to slim your stomach in seven days, or facial masks that are supposed to make your skin flawless overnight. Right.

But if you dig into its history a little bit, you'll find that essential oils isn't a newfangled idea created by Instagram peddlers; they've been around for centuries in different civilizations. Eating certain herbs is healthy, and so--it turns out--is using their oils. Here are five ways that essential oils can benefit you as a college student:

1. For Perking Up Your Dorm

Nobody wants to come home from a long day of classes to find that their dorm smells like mildew and stale coffee. Using essential oils as aromatherapy is an effective way to create a comfortable atmosphere and a feeling of home. The best part is choosing what smells comforting to you--if you love being clean, lemon might be a good choice for you. If you love to bake, vanilla is a perfect option. And nothing says "honey, I'm home!" like a good waft of fresh cinnamon as you open the door.

2. For Sticking In Your Ramen Noodles

Did you know you can cook with essential oils too? Yep--they're that good for you. Adding essential oils instead of herbs to your food is a good way to use up the last of your bottle and makes for a fresher tasting herb. Add a few drops of basil or lemon to your lettuce and call it a salad.

3. For Self-Care

I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to essential oils in skincare (and it's secret, so that if I become famous, no one will know my magic formula). The benefits of essential oils in self-care is endless. Add a good helping to your bath to relax muscles. Massage your feet with macadamia oil and put socks on before bed for soft heels. Make beard oil from home. Put lavender oil on your face to soothe acne flares and watch your skin heal. #flawless

4. For Emotional Zen

Google "college and stress" and you'll get hundreds of results. Researchers have found that 70 percent of college students are stressed about finances and anxiety is the most common mental health diagnosis among students in America. Though essential oils can't physically fix problems, they are a great tool for relaxation. Put a few drops of chamomile on your pillowcase, or massage lavender oil onto your wrists.

5. For Staving Off Colds

If your roommate is sick and you really need to be healthy for your finals, then essential oils to the rescue! Lots of oils are antiseptic and antibacterial. Try tea tree oil, peppermint oil, thieves and eucalyptus oil to combat the winter sniffles.

Am I missing any benefits? Let me know in the comments below!

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