College snow days are rare. Like mine, your university probably does everything in its power not to cancel classes. But when they do, you're probably stuck wondering what to do during your snow day! Here's a list of 5 ways to defeat snow day boredom.
1. Build a snowman!
I know, you're probably thinking "But I'm not a little kid!" Well, guess what? Snowmen aren't just for kids! Go stack 3 giant snowballs, grab a carrot, a few rocks, a hat, gloves, a scarf, and 2 sticks, and have fun!
2. Have a movie day with your friends.
It's not often you get the time to sit in and watch movies all day with your friends. A snow day is a perfect time to do this! Grab some snacks and some hot chocolate and log into Netflix and you're ready to go!
3. Bake a cake (or any other dessert).
If you have the resources, you can make food with your friends to feast on later! Who doesn't love making food?
4. Go sledding!
Sledding's not just for kids either. Stop letting something labeled as "for kids" stop you from doing it! Find a good hill nearby and have at it!
5. Catch up on schoolwork.
Ah, the dreaded homework that you put off until the last minute. Well lucky you, now you have all day to do it! Seriously, snow days are perfect for catching up on a little schoolwork.