Let's be real, college is anxiety central. College in general is rough, but for those people that are overachievers and involved in clubs across campus, the stress is on whole other level. The American Institute of Stress states that 8 out of 10 college students experience stress. If you walk around campus, you are likely to see people who can hardly keep their head up, people having a mental breakdown, or stressed out students crying. I know that personally, being involved has many pros but it can get extremely difficult to cope with and balance all of my responsibilities. Trying to allow myself to not fall apart while I am studying for 5 different exams, working and trying to go to all of my sorority events can overwhelm me pretty frequently.
I realized that my physical and mental health are just as important as my academics. I noticed that staying up all night, constantly studying, not taking time for myself and not doing anything I enjoy doing was not helping me at all. I needed to focus on not only my education, but myself as well. These are some things that has helped me cope with all of my college related anxiety:
1. Get SLEEP!
Yes, I know that this is difficult. I have issues with this one. But staying up all night will do NO GOOD! It may be hard to get a good night rest, but it is essential for your success and for your health. So please, try your best to allow yourself time to rest.
2. Find something to distract your mind from the stress.
This can be anything really. Reading a book, watching an episode of "The Office," or exercising can help to at least relieve some of the mess going on in your head. Personally, I love to exercise or color when i need a break. It helps me put all of my focus into something and lets me let off some steam as well. Just find something that calms you down and take some time to do whatever that is.
3. Have YOU time.
Just give yourself a break. You deserve to have a little peace of mind through all of the chaos. When you start to feel overwhelmed, just take a moment to take a breath and relax. You can do this.
4. Put on some music.
Personally, I tend to get more done when I have music playing while I work. I don't know what it is, but something about not having silence allows me to focus so much better. I also enjoy listening to music in general, so it makes stressful situations somewhat enjoyable. Whatever it takes.
5. Realize that you are not the only one going through this. Ask for support.
Everyone in college is facing this constant struggle. This is a perfect opportunity to allow yourself to feel better and make someone feel better. Support each other. Be there for each other. Motivate each other. Be a shoulder to cry on. You need to realize that it is okay to need support. It will make everything so much easier.
I hope that these points will help you throughout college. You've got this. You can and you WILL make it