New year, new semester! Whether you're counting the days until your first day of classes, or you're dreading your return to campus, the spring semester typically signifies one of change. With these five tips, you'll be on your way to becoming the best version of yourself.
It may still technically be winter, but spring cleaning can make you feel brand-new! Clean out old notebooks, papers, trash, and other unnecessary stuff in your dorm and in your life in general. Also, buy a planner if you don't have one and write EVERYTHING down - due dates, club meetings, you name it. That way, it'll all be in one convenient location instead of cramming it all in your brain.
Get involved.
Personally, I wasn't involved in any on-campus activities my fall semester, and I really regret that. Extracurricular activities are a great way to make new friends and be involved in something that your major may not offer! A bit of change will avoid getting stuck in a rut you may have been in last semester.
Use your resources.
Office hours, the library, study groups... you name it! They exist for a reason - to help you do your best if you're struggling. This also applies to campus health centers - if you feel sick or on the verge of a mental breakdown, don't be afraid to schedule an appointment.
Have a plan.
Was fall semester more difficult than you were expecting? Hey, it happens to the best of us. This spring, make a plan. What are you going to change to get higher grades and be a better student in general? It can be something as simple as studying with a friend in the class, or just attending the class instead of skipping it. See what information you can really learn from your classes, instead of just copying and pasting the PowerPoint in your lectures.
Take care of yourself.
Although we all want to be our most hardworking and productive, it's important to remember that you deserve a break. If you're cramming for an exam or have 4 unfinished assignments due tomorrow, give yourself a couple minutes to cool down. Having a healthy diet and sleep schedule is vital as well. If your body is healthy, your mind will be too, and you'll be on your way to being great, both in and out of the classroom!