5 Ways To Turn A Bad Day Into A Good Day | The Odyssey Online
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5 Ways To Turn A Bad Day Into A Good Day

Some tips on how to turn that frown upside down!

5 Ways To Turn A Bad Day Into A Good Day

We have all been there, bad days are the worst but they happen to the best of us...Throughout my time in middle school during the daily announcements, my principal would finish the announcements with "Make it a great day, or not, the choice is yours." I was young and eventually tuned out on the last line because I always knew it was coming. I honestly didn't realize until I got older and wiser that you really are capable of having a great day or a terrible day... the choice is yours. NEVER forget that YOU are in control of your emotions and although it may be hard to turn around the way you feel about something, in the end you will thank yourself for living out another day like it is your last.

Start by looking at the bright side

No bad day blues can be cured without some positivity! Whatever you have going on, no matter how bad it is, dig deep and find the good in the situation. My very first roommate helped me with this on many occasions and she always reminded me that even if something is bad, its happening for reason. She also always said to me "once one door closes, another one opens" As cliche as the statement is, it really is true and it helped me conquer all my bad days throughout my first year of college.... and trust me there's a plethora of bad days in college LOL.

Give yourself a BREAK!

Clear your head! Do not feel unproductive because your giving yourself a little break. Whatever your situation may be, YOU'RE FEELINGS ARE VALID! Although, you should take this to learn and grow from. Accept constructive criticism without letting it upset you, use that energy to become an even better human being than you already are! People make mistakes, seriously give yourself a break, it happens! and also actually physically and mentally take an actual break, watch tv, listen to music, read, go for a walk, literally anything! It will help more than you think it will.

Do something that YOU enjoy doing

Piggy backing on what I said earlier, its important to give yourself a few minutes or even just an hour to yourself. This may not be everyone's cup of tea but being alone and having time to think alone can really help you change your mood. Instead of thinking about how upset you are that you're having a bad day do something that will uplift you! Again, watch movies, visit a friend, take a walk, have a dance party, play video games... whatever it may be that calms you down and is fun to you, do it! Better to try to make the situation better than sitting and thinking about ever detail you know?

Remember what's important

You. YOU are important! Your well being is important, your mental health is important. Don't ruin yourself over a bad day. Remember what I said about my principal? The choice is YOURS. You are in control of your thoughts. Turn those negative thoughts into positives ones and you will be amazed at the transformation not only your day will have but your life overall. Get into the habit of looking for the good in ever 'bad' day, you will become so familiar with positive thoughts that you will be radiating them on to others!!! Which is another point to consider. Imagine being a positive influence on others. That is an irreplaceable feeling.

Live everyday like its your last 

As cliche as it sounds... it really is a constant reminder that not every day is promised. Would you be satisfied with the way you left things if today was your last day? Most people would answer no, including me. I wouldn't want the people I loved remembering a fight we had or a crappy situation that was occurring when I am gone. Make it a constant reminder to live your absolute best life!!! life really is too short to fight with your friends, hold a grudge, and live a life without happiness. Laugh often, annoy those old people in the restaurant with your friends, take opportunities, admit your mistakes, apologize when needed, smile daily,

and finally... make it a great day or not, the choice is yours!

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