Writing has always been an interesting process for me. While my friends have to plan to carve out two hours each day for three days leading up to a paper due date, I know that in 45 minutes I can have a seven-page rough draft done. I know it sounds crazy, but ask my friends, it is, fortunately, true. Because of this, my parents have become accustomed to saying I don’t get writer’s block.
After four years of high school, college applications, and a semester of college, I had never had a reason to disagree with them. However, at this moment, I’m starting to understand what my friends are always complaining about. If you regularly struggle with writer’s block, I have a newfound respect for you.
If you’re more like me and tend to come up with ideas easily, let me give you a little bit of insight into what it’s like.
1. You will think you’ve “got it!” multiple times
Isn’t it the worst when you take 30 minutes to come up with something, write half a sentence, and just realize that the whole paper is doomed? You don’t know why you just know it isn’t working.
2. You will end up deleting entire documents
And in conclusion... nope, this whole thing is awful. DELETE
3. You start doing just about anything else
Eating your feelings, making playlists on Spotify, binge-watching Netflix, offering to take the trash out. When you can’t think of what to write you will do anything to get away from your computer.
4. You will think you’ve done much more than you actually have
“Hey Kayleigh, are you almost done with your article?” “
“Yeah, yeah I… oh darn it”
5. You might cry a little
To be honest, it's just part of the process.