5 Must Visit Coffee Shop in Ohio | The Odyssey Online
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5 Must Visit Coffee Shop in Ohio

Coffee here is always served with a smile

5 Must Visit Coffee Shop in Ohio

There are a ton of great coffee spots in Ohio, but these are the five you must go to.

1. River Road Coffee House

River Road Coffee House is located in Granville Ohio. A town about 45 minutes east of Columbus. River Road started in Granville in a small cottage home. They now have two other locations; Downtown Newark and on 21st Street Newark as well. River Road welcomes every customer with smells of freshly ground coffee and fresh muffins and donuts from a local baker. They are known for their River Road Mocha drink, which is a delicious frozen that has white chocolate, caramel, and coffee flavors. Not only do they have drinks for hot summer days but they have to die for lattes, cappuccinos, and Americano’s served in all recycled cups to keep the coffee shop earth friendly. Each drink, muffin, and cinnamon roll is served with a smile from some of the nicest people you will ever meet in your coffee drinking life. The residents of Granville and Newark stop here before work and school and often just stop in to visit with the staff themselves. If you are ever passing through these small towns you need to make sure you put this on the list of places to make a pit-stop, don’t forget to grab a River Road Mocha for yourself!

2. George House Coffee

George house is a unique coffee house located in Findlay Ohio. George house was established in 1993. George house welcomes all different kinds of coffee drinking individuals into their brick building filled with old reading books, works of art, and giant cinnamon rolls. The seats at George House are filled with aspiring college students studying, relaxing, and visiting with friends. The employees that work there are one of a kind and are always serving a cup of coffee with a smile on the side.

3. Fox in the Snow Café

Fox in the Snow Café is my favorite place to visit on this list. Fox in the Snow Café serves the best pecan rolls you will ever have, deliciously fresh made scones, and amazing breakfast sandwiches. If I had to choose one place to get coffee for the rest of my caffine filled life I would choose this place every time. Fox is located in Italian Village on 4th Street in Columbus Ohio and just opened two years ago and they are now opening their second location in German Village! Their bakery items match perfectly with their hand poured coffee. From lattes to cappichinos they always top them off with picture perfect latte art that is too beautiful for you not to post it to your Instagram. If you are a coffee loving, pastry eating, book reading individual you must make a trip to Fox in the Snow. I promise it will not be a disappointment, once you visit you are hooked for life.

4. Grounds for Thought

Ground for thought is a coffee shop in Bowling Green, OH. It is a place that reminds you of your grandma’s house but with better coffee. They have books you can read and people to talk to any time of the day. From college students to retired folks both will be in this coffee shop enjoying a fresh brewed coffee.

5. Roosevelt Coffee House

Roosevelt Coffee House is one for the books people, located on 300 E Long St in Columbus, OH. This coffee house mission is to make good coffee for good cause. They are a non-profit organization that fights against human trafficking, hunger, and fights for clean water. The coffee they brew and the food they makes the difference in live of others. Not only are they a non-profit, but they provide customers with a warm environment to spend their time. Each cup of coffee is served with a purpose and really makes you feel like you are making a difference.

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