Sometimes i search the web for strange things. Strange things include ghost videos. Here are 5 really creepy videos that i have found on the internet about ghosts, and ghost encounters! Are they real? Are they not? You make the decision yourself. I couldn't tell you.
1. 5 Most Haunted Schools In The USA.
The thought that a school could be haunted, super creepy! Watch this video! Your skin is sure to crawl! See if your schools on the list!
2. Ghost Hunting at The Haunted Victorian Mansion
Okay so i used to actually live in Gardner, Massachusetts a long time ago so everybody in town pretty much knows about this one which is why it made it on my list. This video is someone actually ghost hunting in it. I was interested to know what it actually looks like on the inside. There are a ton of ghosts in that mansion.
3. 5 Creepiest & Most Haunted Roads In The World
Literally my hair started to stick up i was so scared while watching this. This has a ton of stories that are really creepy. Wait until you get to the image of the kid in the crutches.
4. 5 Scariest & Most Haunted Amusement Parks
This video is even creepier then the last video i swear!
5. Most Haunted Places In Massachusetts
Having lived in Massachusetts (and knowing who my viewers are) I just think this is creepy. Ive gone to the house of seven gables.