As college students we have an abundance of tasks and responsibilities to cover daily in this ever so hectic society. Many of us go through substantial changes in the transition between home and dorm life. Whether it would be physical or emotional, we all make that change in our own ways. Many college students view their freshman year as a fresh start, where their past and embarrassing awkward years do not have to necessarily follow them around. Finding themselves within their new environment, many students change ever so slightly, for the better or worse, depending on who you ask. We hold onto certain values and morals within our lifetime, and values like loving our Lord or staying faithful should not change, but unfortunately we lose our ways. Throughout the chapters in our lives, we stray off course due to many circumstances, but the strong notice this change and do some navigating to realign with our faith, values and morals. You have to learn how to bend without the world caving in and know what you have, and what you don’t, and who you are. This article could go on and on, but I have summarized it to five values not to forget in college.
1. Call or visit home
For many of us, going away for the school year is the longest period of time that we are without our family and vice versa. No matter if you are the oldest or youngest, make no mistake that your parents miss you dearly. Simple tasks like family dinners and grocery shopping are not the same anymore because the one factor that was continuous for 18 years is hours away. Sometimes in turbulent times, you are the glue that holds the family together, or maybe your siblings are going through a speedbump in life, but you know your family the best so sometimes you all need each other.
2. Y’all need some Jesus
Faith, unfortunately, is something I see put on the backburner when students attend college. I attest I was guilty of this too, and like my peers, there are numerous excuses why we stray from our faith. Whether it would be the hangover from the frat party the night before or questioning faith due to the nefarious actions of society, there are a million and one reasons why one would stop making Sunday the Lord’s Day. To that I say we are all human and we will make mistakes no matter how perfect you think you are or anyone else is. We all go through this journey with our Lord regardless of whether or not you call upon Him, but something you have to understand is that He will love, support and mentor you regardless if you want him to or not. Go back to church, not for the free food, but to free yourself, to meet new people and grow as a faith-based individual. Remember no matter how alone you think you are, He is with you, not matter the challenge placed upon you.
“Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
Peter 5:7
3. Stay faithful
Something many individuals struggle, with especially living on a college campus is staying faithful, either to values, boyfriend/girlfriend or friends. Unfortunately, it seems that society is virtuoso at breaking down righteous people into the scum of society. Over the years I have seen both sexes cheat on each other and blame it numerous outside factors instead of an underlying internal issue. Pictures do not change, but people inside of them do and I have noticed no matter how large their wardrobe is it seems that they never change. No matter the situation, we are adults and treat each other as such regardless if the love or friendship is gone. I live my life with based upon rules that keep me on the straight and narrow, and one that is immensely paramount is “If you have to leave someone, leave them as you found them if you must, but always strive to leaving them better by making a positive impact on their lives.”
4. Stay healthy
Freshman Fifteen is synonymous with college and its experiences. At UNG, all the hills are a blessing in disguise, keeping us relatively fit and our thighs and glutes looking good, but for many that is not enough. Many of us binge on this new found freedom of each as much of anything as we please, and that is honestly eating like a large child with abundant of fast food and sweets. Due to this high calorie diet and countless Netflix nights, many do gain their Freshman Fifteen, unfortunately. Even I, coming from a varsity sport in high school to the Corps of Cadets, became heavy until recently, and this was due to my lifestyle, not just my diet. College students drink too much; that is just a fact of society, but I urge everyone to drink responsibly and limit themselves. Students put so much garbage in their bodies whether it be Cheetos or beer, and I understand everything is reasonable in moderation, but many do not see the fine line. So hit the gym you pay for regardless of if you go or not and skip the pizza in favor of lean proteins and vegetables.
5. Be accountable
Being accountable, reliable and trustworthy are a few of the many characteristics you want to find in others and for others to find in you. Many students think they are bulletproof, but in all reality they are not and are just ignoring their responsibilities. As an adult you are accountable for all your actions, whether you were drunk, sober, mad, sad or just being yourself. Everything you say and do is subconsciously being vetted by your peers around you. Failing a test because you went out the night before or losing a lover because you were emotionally detached is no fault of anyone else; it is your issue to deal with. Every day we make thousands of conscious and subconscious decisions based upon our values and morals, so make sure you have a steadfast base to stand on. Make sure you truly contemplate every decision you make, regardless of the magnitude of the issue because subconsciously individuals will judge your character on your worst characteristics.
"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God."
John 4:7