Libraries are a great place to get work done. They offer a quiet place for you to retreat to when your dorm mate decides a Netflix's marathon is vital during your study hour. They have endless resources for reading, writing and math. If you don't have a computer you can generally find one coexisting with good ole' fashion text books. If you're in school, chances are you will see one or two friends there studying their little hearts out. Reading, studying, and typing up a paper are all things perfect for a library setting but here are five things you and your friends should try and avoid.
1. Don't take up a group study room when it's just you!
Just because you have a hard time keeping your life organized and need the extra table space to de-clutter your mess of homework doesn't give you the green light to bogart a room for yourself. Believe it or not professors still assign group projects and those rooms are the only place to have conversations as a group without breaking rule number two. Which brings me to the second rule of library courtesy.
2. Talking to friends is cool but not right next to me while I'm trying to write up this assignment I waited until last minute to do.
It's stressful enough as it is trying to think of 15 different ways to write the same generic statement for this paper to meet the length requirement. I don't need to here about how Susan was completely wrecked after consuming half a bottle of cherry vodka. Which led to her to think it was a good idea to drunk text her ex boyfriend only to realize the message went to her grandma. Save that for tea time.
3. The library isn't a cafeteria so don't pull out your five course meal while I'm learning about...(insert least favorite class)
Chances are my stomach is consuming itself because I haven't eaten. I hit snooze too many times this morning to wake up with enough time to make myself breakfast, and there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything so I worked on homework straight through lunch so unless you have an extra spoon go slurp that chicken noodle outside.
4. I realize I don't have a social life but can you please get off your Facebook so I can have that computer?
Not everyone has a laptop so keep that in mind as you contemplate checking your social media to see what your friend's girlfriend was up to last weekend. The resources are meant for studying so lets stick to the guidelines of common courtesy and use them for such. Plus, your buddies girl probably ended up face down in the dirt because she drank the rest of that cherry vodka.
5. Stop fidgeting.
If you can't hold still I'm not sure a library is a good choice for you. I will spend more time watching you tap that pencil on the table than I will thinking about how the amygdala is responsible for emotions. Which my amygdala will probably tell me I'm pissed. Does that honestly help you think? I would be distracting myself too much. Keep the movement to a minimum. It's better for us all that way.
Jokes aside, try to stay aware of the people around you. We are all in the library for a common goal. We all want to get our homework done with a passing grade. Stay courteous of those sitting next to you and keep the chatting to a minimum also please keep the group study rooms available for groups.