Every year there seems to be a new beauty trend that everyone gets really into. This year it seems to be contouring, two years ago it was lipstick, and last year it was eyebrows. Now it seems like every person in the world who wears makeup has an everyday eyebrow routine. Drawing on your eyebrows every day can be fun and do wonders to your face, but it also can have its downfalls.
1. It adds time to your makeup routine
It could add anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes or more depending on how you do them and how good you are at doing them. When you're first starting out, forget it; makeup wipes are your best friend. Messing up in inevitable. Don't worry, as time goes on the time spent doing your eyebrows decreases, as well as the number of makeup wipes you'll go through in the mornings. It also adds money to your Ulta receipt total.
2. Your friends will try to rub off your eyebrows
For some odd reason once people find out your eyebrows aren't real, they make it their life's mission to rub them off, especially in public places. This never goes away. People are literally going to beg you to ruin all the hard work you've put into your eyebrows. You'll say no, and they'll still try. You become really good at avoiding people's fingertips.
3. Hugging people becomes scary
There's the people who will purposely try to rub off your eyebrows and then there's the ever-present fear that someone is going to hug you too close or bump you by accident and completely take off your eyebrow. It happens! One day you're going to be minding your own business and someone is going to get too close to you and you will no longer have an eyebrow there. It’s one of the most awkward things. “Oh, sorry. I just got some of my eyebrow on your shoulder.”
4. That one day you decide not to draw them on will change your life
Sometimes you just don't feel like dealing with your eyebrows and you won't do them one day and everyone will be amazed. It'll feel like you forgot to wear clothes or shoes. You'll be surprised at how many people didn't know that your eyebrows weren't real, which is kind of a confidence boost. It just means that you’re super good at doing your eyebrows. This is what we strive for. However, people will never forget and for the rest of your friendship will try to rub them off.