“So, what kind of music do you listen to?”
One of the greatest conversation starters of all time. Sometimes, this is easy to answer, and sometimes it’s more difficult. If you name artists that everyone listens to, like Drake and Rhianna, then you’re not showing your broad range of musical taste, and that would be a shame. But if you name those artists that most people don’t know, then you’re at risk of an end to the conversation. Here’s my pick of artists that would result in the latter, and why you should listen to them, too.
1. Milky Chance
Only one of their songs became popular on the radio that you’ve probably heard, and that’s “Stolen Dance.” Unless you looked up Milky Chance after hearing the song and started listening to them, you probably didn’t even know the name of the song’s artist. Milky Chance’s vibes are one of a kind. Between the two members of Milky Chance, one is a DJ and the other has a unique, memorable voice. Most of their songs have a similar sound to that of “Stolen Dance,” so if you liked that song, then definitely give their other music a (Milky) Chance.
2. Nightly
Nightly currently only has one song out, “Xo,” but boy is it a hit. From what I can tell from “Xo,” Nightly’s music is a cross between The 1975 and Arctic Monkeys. I discovered them one day on Spotify and I fell in love with them. The group is relatively new, hence their lack of an abundance of songs, but I strongly encourage everyone to give “Xo” a listen.
3. Kodaline
Kodaline is similar to Milky Chance in the sense that they had one popular song that a lot of people knew (“Love Like This”), but the rest of their music was overshadowed by that one hit. If you take a listen to the rest of that album (“In a Perfect World”), then you will be pleasantly surprised with their other music. Most of the band’s songs are very close to the feel of “Love Like This;” it’s feel-good, beach-type music. Kodaline is the perfect artist to discover this summer!
4. City and Colour
A one man-band with a beautiful voice, City and Colour is Dallas Green’s cover name. His songs are very soft yet powerful, as his voice commands attention without having to scream at you. His voice is so gentle and unique that he is definitely worth a listen. My first song recommendation from City and Colour would be “The Girl” from the album “Bring Me Your Love.”
5. Sir the Baptist
Like Nightly, Sir the Baptist only has a few songs out today. Also like Nightly, I discovered Sir the Baptist on Spotify. Since he only has a few songs, he doesn’t have an established sound yet, but his song “Raise Hell” is the best of the ones he has out. His voice is also very unique and the song is just so upbeat and fun. It’s perfect to listen to on the way to the beach or on a long road trip.