It's that time of year again. The time of the semester when you have to dedicate you entire self to studying for classes that you just want to forget about and zoom into the holiday season. However, we have to thrust ourselves into self-created hatred due to procrastination (I have a wine class journal due tomorrow, and I've barely drank any extra white wines. Send help!).
Genuinely, as unconventional as these tips are, they are incredibly helpful.
Take breaks.
The most important thing is to know when to stop, calm down, and take a moment away from your study regimen. While it may seem impossible to stop so you can attempt to absorb all of the information that you can, know that it's better for you to actually take a breather. If you cram, you're bound to forget something.
Reward yourself!
Yes, you heard me! Set goals for yourself to finish reading chapters or studying flashcards. Whether it is a time increment, breaks, or snacks, definitely take the time to step away from the textbook.
Don't study in your bed!
Apparently, if you study in your bed, you'll always associate your relaxing, personal space with anxiety and school work. Take it to a desk or even the library! Plus, distinct places or distinct snacks/foods will help you remember your content better.
"Teach" others!
Reading your homework or your book to friends or family tends to help you read. It gives you a visual learning stimulant and an auditory learning stimulant. You're reading it to others and potentially explaining it in depth. It's extremely beneficial to press your curriculum on others, just don't press your opinions on others.
Whenever you take your breaks, spend a bit in the gym. It helps you focus, jogs (haha) your memory, and keeps you fit. It also makes sure that you're not stuck at a desk all day. Get moving and keep your eyes on the prize...that A!
While I have yet to find the "perfect" way to study for exams or finals, these tips actually get me through everything. I do several of these tips per study session, and it's so worth it. Don't limit yourself to your same old routine, eventually your brain will need to be challenged.
Happy studying and, remember: Saturday is coming and so is the hard liquor!