2016 sucked...a lot.
It's times like these when everything goes downhill that people often reminisce about times gone by. Since I'm only 20, I don't have as many of these as some people, but that doesn't mean that there aren't a few things that bring me back to childhood:
5. Fast Food Novelties
As terrible as it is on your health, there's something rather memorable about the novelty foods that chains often came out with. From green ketchup to crown shaped nuggets, Burger King seemed to have a monopoly on nostalgic items. Here's one of my favorites that you may have forgotten.
4. GOOD Cartoons
Yeah, I know, shows like Adventure Time are still holding strong, and I don't want to sound like a crabby old man, but do you remember the oldies? From Spongebob to Chalk Zone, Nickelodeon was a tough channel to beat, but Cartoon Network came to bat with Foster's Home, and one of the best cartoon's of the early 2000's, Ed, Ed n Eddy.
3. The Cloverfield Teaser
Okay, it may just be a personal bias, but any horror/sci-fi/action fan can't tell me that when this teaser without a name dropped back in 07, you weren't excited. Any solid details we're locked down till the release, and even though some thought it was over-hyped and not that great, the teaser on it's own is enough to send me back to middle-school memories.
2. Wonder Ball
If childhood me was in line at a store, chances are he was looking for one of these. This beacon of happiness may have faded away for a while, but thankfully (as of recent) it has returned to shelves yet again!
1. Hollywood Video
Before you say a single word, yes, Blockbuster may have been better at times, but I didn't have one near me when I was a kid. For all my video/game rental needs, I had good old Hollywood Video. The pangs I still have over all of these stores closing proves one thing true: You can gain the world selection of films at your fingertips, and still lose your childhood soul.