Women on game day have always been stereotyped. I’m not saying this is a good thing, but I’m pointing out the five main stereotypes so if this is you, you can do some self-reflection and change your ways. This way, everyone can enjoy the game to the fullest. Here they are.
The Faker
This is the girl who sits on the couch and cheers when she hears others cheer and gets mad when everyone else does. She has no idea what’s going on, and it’s painfully obvious to everyone in the room, but she keeps doing it anyways. No. Please just own up to the fact that you don’t like football and that you’re more interested in the team colors than the game.
The Questioner
This girl will sit and ask questions the WHOLE game. We have the internet and Siri for a reason. There’s also no problem with asking the people you’re with. But there comes a point where you are just irritating everyone in the room and need to shut up, we are here to watch the game. If you’re really so interested then do some research and figure it out on your own time, not during the game.
The Bandwagoner
The bandwagoner will always have the best game day outfit for any and all sporting events. She usually picks one player and only talks about them and only them, mainly because it’s easier to know a lot about one person than multiple. She doesn’t know what calls were actually made or what points were scored but she jumps on board with what everyone else is doing. Trust me; we’re all on to you.
The “Hostess with the Mostess”
Whether you admit it or not, you love this woman. She makes all of the dips and snacks that every game should have. She uses the team’s colors to make her whole house festive. And the best part, she makes sure you always have a cold beer in your hand. She doesn’t really pay attention to the game which is totally fine because the snack bowls are always full.
The Big Talker
This might be the most annoying. She won’t watch any of the game, but come Monday morning she’s wearing her jersey and talking about how great of a game it was last night. How that one play was such a game changer. But everyone knows she got all of her information word for word from ESPN. There’s nothing wrong with not enjoying football, but just don’t pretend.
We have all probably fallen into one or more of these categories at some time or another. And if you are one of these then please, PLEASE, re-think your game day decisions so everyone can enjoy the game.