There are all kinds of people that you will meet in college. I remember how I thought one kind of person that you would no longer find in college was petty people. I figured they just disappeared when you went to college, but that is clearly not the case.
In the beginning, everyone was nice enough.
Then, as things settled down and we were all settled in, I saw the true colors of people. Everywhere I looked there were people who were acting like freshmen in high school, rather than in college.
These are all of the types of petty people you will encounter in college:
1. The Prom Queen
The prom queen is someone who is still stuck in high school and can’t let go of when she ‘ruled’ the school. They can’t stand that all eyes aren’t on them so they start any kind of petty argument that they can (such as putting underwear on your door to call you a ‘slut’ in my experience). Most of this probably stems from them being bored with their lives, so they decide to stir up some ‘fun’.
Their peak was in high school and they will forever be stuck wishing they could go back. This kind of girl also is always with her friends and never seen without a Starbucks cup in her hand (also known as a basic girl or a Barbie type).
She also lives off of the chaos drama, despite her saying how much she “hates all of the drama.” She also most likely has no reason to hate whomever it is that she is unleashing her wrath on, but when asked why she says “because they deserve it”.
2. The Baby
The baby is someone who never even emotionally made it to middle school and acts (and may look) like a five year old. This means getting others to do things for them and when things do not go their way they throw a huge fit.
They physically cannot handle when things are not their way so they will do petty things, but never to your face. Since they still act like a child, they will have someone else do their bidding or they will talk about you to their friend in front of your face and deny it when you confront them.
3. Mr./Mrs. Always Right
Mr./Mrs. Right is someone who cannot admit to being wrong ever, even if it is something as simple as you asking “did you eat my candy bar” and they deny it, when the wrapper is right in their hands.
They grew up privileged most likely and never quite learned how to apologize to people. Arguing with them is almost pointless, since they rarely can come to a compromise nor admit that any of the fault is on them.
They often treat people like crap, but in return expect nothing short of them worshiping them on their knees. They also cannot handle confrontation and will make up any kind of lie or excuse to take the blame off of them.
4. The Grudge Holder
Not surprisingly, the grudge holder is someone who cannot let anything go. Seriously. Not a single little thing. They remember that one time that you sneezed on them in 4th grade and still to this day hate you for it.
The grudge holder has no forgiveness, until you do some serious reconciling with them.
If you don’t though, they will be petty as hell towards you. This can include talking bad about you to others and giving you a death stare every time that you see them.
5. The Action Taker
The action taker may be the least petty of them all because while they will fight over issues that are little, they won’t just talk crap about you or stare you down. Rather, they will take action and end the beef on their terms.
They will fight you physically and are not afraid of confrontation. They are not just big talkers and they will beat you up if you spill their drink at the club.
They are people who like to take direct action and escalate everything to the next level, as they see accordingly.