5 Types of Resources in Construction Resource Management | The Odyssey Online
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5 Types of Resources in Construction Resource Management

Construction project management is an indispensable part of any construction site, ensuring that projects will be completed on time, within budget, and to the highest possible quality standards.

5 Types of Resources in Construction Resource Management


Construction project management is an indispensable part of any construction site, ensuring that projects will be completed on time, within budget, and to the highest possible quality standards. Construction managers oversee all aspects of the job to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Project management centers around development, from initial planning to completion. Whether they’re working on commercial or residential properties, a project manager's goal is to ensure it’s completed within schedule using an allocated budget, and to the client's specifications.

Construction resource management software helps streamline construction workflows and business processes. For more on construction resource management, check out Bridgit’s article on the topic.

What is construction project management?

Construction project management is the oversight of a project from beginning to end. It involves planning, organizing, and managing resources to efficiently meet goals and objectives.

Thus, it’s an integral part of a construction project manager's job, since it involves ensuring that all equipment and materials used for the project are up to standard and on-site at just the right time.

Construction resource management plans help you:

  1. Create a detailed plan for how workers will be allocated
  2. Assign tasks and monitor progress
  3. Manage costs and stay on budget
  4. Order supplies in advance
  5. Keep track of progress and make adjustments as needed

What are the types of resources in construction project management?

There are a few primary steps that each construction project manager must undertake to complete a project. These steps focus on ensuring that all required resources, including financial resources, personnel, equipment, and materials, are available when needed.

The three main categories of resources used by construction managers to complete any given project include equipment, labor, and materials.

1. Equipment

To complete a construction job, you need a wide array of tools and pieces of machinery. Your equipment must be reliable and able to withstand the rigors of your particular job site. Some examples of commonly-used construction equipment include cranes, bulldozers, and trucks.

2. Labor

Another critical element in any successful construction project is labor. A typical site requires dozens or even hundreds of workers to function as efficiently as possible. Labor constitutes all workers that make up your project team—in other words: carpenters, painters, plumbers, electricians, and more.

They're crucial to getting the job done right the first time. Workers may also include those in leadership roles, such as contractors or architects.

3. Material

Materials are the primary building blocks for constructing various structures. Estimating the quantity of material required is a vital aspect of construction. If you don't buy enough of it, it’s like you won’t have enough leftover to finish the job. Managing materials during a construction project is also vital since it can become expensive if left unchecked.

Materials include everything from paint and wood to steel beams and concrete blocks—anything used to build something new.

4. Finances

Finances are what keep your business running smoothly. If you don't have enough cash flow to pay your employees or buy materials, your project will suffer from delays and may be canceled altogether. Budgeting and forecasting costs ensure that you can afford to complete the project without going over the allocated budget or running out of funds.

5. Time

Time is another resource that must be managed during construction. It’s measured in terms of completion time frames and deadlines for meeting milestones.

The timely completion of deliverables is not only essential for maintaining your brand value, but also for ensuring workflows run smoothly without any hurdles and roadblocks. Mismanagement can hurt your financial stability and reputation in the industry.

Challenges in construction resource management and solutions

Construction resource management is a necessary tool for any business to operate successfully. However, several challenges may arise when implementing this system. Below are some of the few.

Skilled labor shortages

One of the main challenges associated with construction resource management is the shortage of skilled labor. It's not uncommon for commercial or residential construction projects to be delayed due to a lack of labor resources.

There are several ways to mitigate this risk:

●Increase your network of suppliers to find more skilled workers

●Offer training opportunities for existing employees so they can gain new skills and become more valuable members of your team

●Use technology such as virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) to help trainees learn new concepts without leaving the office

Lack of tools for resources, planning, and scheduling

Another challenge construction companies face is a lack of tools for resources, planning, and scheduling. These tools are crucial for managing costs effectively because they help you identify where there might be room for improvement before work has started on site.

Here’s how you can tackle the situation:

●Schedule optimization software: This software helps you identify bottlenecks and areas of improvement. It also allows you to test and access different scenarios within your project schedule and look at their impact on your overall project cost.

●Cost estimator: A cost estimator can be used to estimate the total cost of labor, equipment, and materials required for a specific task on your project. The estimator will help you determine whether or not it makes sense for you to take on that particular task or if someone else should do it instead.

●Resource scheduler: A resource scheduler allows you to manage all resources related to your project in one place. This includes equipment and tools, as well as people who work in different locations, but are still part of one team working towards a common goal.

Effectively managing resources has benefits

Construction managers oversee all aspects of the job to ensure nothing goes wrong. You can significantly reduce overhead costs by using fewer resources. With proper resource management, you'll also have less downtime, preventing last-minute orders and delays due to a lack of equipment availability.

By organizing your resources well ahead of time, you'll ensure that everything runs smoothly throughout the entire project duration—from start to finish.

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