Friends. We all have them. Maybe they're the people you went to kindergarten with or maybe you met them last year. Maybe they like the same Netflix series you do, or maybe they're your exact opposite and stick around to add spice to your life. Any way you spin it, friends are friends. Though there are an infinite amount of sub-categories to these groups, I've laid out 5 types of friends we all know and love.
1. The Long-Time Friend![]()
This type of friend is great, but dangerous. This friend knew you when you peed your pants at recess. This friend saw you through braces and was a mandatory chaperone on your first "group date" to the movies in seventh grade. This friend probably goes to another school now and you may never really talk, but it's an unspoken truth that this friendship is solid. After all, they know the secrets even you have forgotten about and that is sacred.
2. The Go-To-The-Mall or Go-Out-To-Dinner Friend
You probably already have an idea in your head of who this friend is. This is the type of friend you need concrete plans with. You can't just hang out because either it's too awkward or it's just kind of boring. You need plans, but once those plans are made you have an incredible time. Having to make plans in advance doesn't necessarily mean you're not good enough friends, it just means that you need a little push. Sometimes "The Long-Time Friend" can turn into this kind of friend.
3. The Competitive Friend![]()
Ahh...we all know this one. This friend makes you a better person, but sometimes you get on each others nerves. Both of you are constantly giving each other advice and you're closer because of it. For example, this is the friend who will tell you you're being ridiculous when you tell her about the fight you're having with your boyfriend. You may hate her for it at the time, but she's right. You love this friend to death and you admire how she pushes you. Friendly competition, people.
4. The Crazy Friend![]()
This friend is downright crazy. This is the friend who gets banned from a fraternity. This friend may just be certifiably insane, but you would bail her out of jail any day of the week. She's your opposite, and you love her for it. She pushes you out of your comfort zone and encourages you to break out and be yourself. You love her because she's crazy and she loves you because you bring her down a notch. It's a win-win.
5. The Best Friend![]()
A best friend is someone who embodies all of the above. Although your best friend may not have known you since kindergarten, you feel as if she does. You can do everything or do nothing and still have the best time. You push each other to do great things and you encourage crazy decisions because they make great stories. You can ugly cry to this person for hours and they'll hook you up with some ice cream and a couch to sleep on. This person knows everything about you to the point where they can predict what you're about to say. This friend is creepy because you're so similar, but awesome because you're so different. Best friends are fantastic simply because they can't be defined as a "type."