I have loved coffee ever since my mom let me have it--probably at an earlier age than my sister. This past month I started working at a local coffee shop. So far, I love it. Free coffee, flexible hours, free coffee, 5 mins walk from home, did I mention free coffee?
This is not my first service industry job, and I might have just started working in a coffee shop, but let me tell you about the 5 most common customers every coffee shop worker gets. Hey, I get it, death before decaf is a real thing, but you need to chill, after all its coffee.
1. The Decaf Drinker:
I don't understand these people. When you have energy on your own this early something has to be going on with you. It's just not normal, and I don't trust you. You're not human.
2. The No Sugar No Cream No Flavor Drinker:
Do you have taste buds? Don't get me wrong, you're order is the best thing to happen during my shift, but I don't understand how you throw it back. Whatever. Congratulations, please come by the shop anytime. You are probably new to the coffee scene. Get out while you can; it can get ugly.
3. The 10 Shots of Espresso Drinker:
Hey man, no judgement, I get you. The world is a hard and cruel place, get 10 shots of espresso if it gets through today. Do you boo. You're probably overtired and over worked or you're hungover which is fine too.
4. The Frappuccino Drinker:
*Me when you order a small blended drink*
Please. If you're going to order this, make it at least a large if not multiple drinks, because it takes so much longer to get your drink blended, and it causes me to do more dishes at the end of my shift. I don't want to do that, I want to go home. You clearly don't care about anyone else.
5. The Everything but the Kitchen Sink Drinker:
You're making my life and the lives of the people behind you in line hell. Girl, please...no. I've had my 4 cups of coffee for the morning and I still can't handle you. Don't ask me if you're being annoying because even though I smile and say 'no, you're fine' I've punched you in my head 5 time by now. You're most likely spoiled and a princess.
So there ya have it. In the last few weeks of my first ever barista job, there are the 5 most common customers I have had. Don't get me wrong, I like my job, but while I am judging you for your order, I do the same thing because I love coffee and it's too important to drink poorly made drinks.