Before I was really able to get into a deep relationship with God, I had to realize that I was wrong about who God was. I had to realize the truth of who he really is. Not who I thought he was.
1. God is not the cause of your problems.
Lets be real. How many times have you asked, why me? Be honest with yourself. Maybe you haven't asked that question but you've asked: Why can't I pay my bills? Why am I suffering from disease? Why did my loved one die? Why can't I afford to take care of my children? Why can't I find a job?
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When you ask yourself these questions, the enemy attacks. The enemy has you believe that it's all God's fault. What a lie this is, yet we believe it.
James 1:13 says otherwise. The Lord will not tempt us with evil. Start blaming the enemy, and stop blaming God.
2. God knows you better than you know yourself.
God knows everything. He knows every thought, feeling, and detail of you. Before I accepted this truth, I tried to hide things from God. I was ashamed of myself and decided that if I didn't pray about it, God wouldn't know. I hate to break it to you but that is a lie from the enemy. It is a lie that keeps you from God's forgiveness. God knows your sins, and he desperately wants to forgive you, but he needs you to come to him; he wants you to admit to your sin and ask for his forgiveness.
3. God exists out of time.
God is not bound by time. God exists fully in the past, present, and future. As humans bound by time, this is by far one of the hardest concepts to grasp. God is with Adam and Eve, right now. At the same time, God is with you 5 years into the future. God knows what job you have, if you get married, he knows your children before you do. We should pray with this knowledge. We should pray for the hurt of the past, present, and future. God will answer it.
4. God wants to meet you where you're at.
God doesn't want you to fix every single problem within yourself before you come to him. God doesn't ask for you to be perfect before you find a relationship with him. He wants a relationship with you, sin and all. You can't start to better yourself on your own. Only God can fix you; only God can complete you. Don't be afraid to let him in at your lowest point.
5. God never changes.
God is the same yesterday, today, now, and forever. The old testament God is the same God we have now. He is just as powerful now as he was then. He is still a God of fire. Maybe that's a scary thought, but its true, and it helps us to be the people who fear the Lord.