Are you a traveling newbie? Are you anxiously trying to prepare for your weekend getaway, or your month-long excursion? I started flying when I was only a few months old, and have been flying ever since. Because of having family living up and down the West Coast, I learned quickly what it meant to have to "go through security." I started traveling for longer amounts of time because I decided to go to college over halfway across the country...and that is when packing gets interesting. Whether you are traveling for 48 hours or two weeks, here are five tips from a seasoned traveler.
1. Pack mindfully
Packing can easily get you overwhelmed. Before you know it, your "to pack" pile includes more clothes than are left in your closet. Think carefully about what you really need, not what you might want to wear. It might hurt to leave your favorite dress, but the odds of you needing it on a quick trip to visit family are probably really low.
2. Mentally prepare yourself in the security line
The security line can be long. When it is long, the people are grumpier and more impatient than they should be. In order to keep the line moving, be ready with your game plan before it is your time to put your items through the scanner and go through the metal detector.
3. Don't think that you can get away with anything
There are at least 10 signs, four people yelling, and 200 people in front of you to show you how you really do need to empty your pockets, take out your computer, and keep your liquids down to a minimum.
4. Print or text your boarding pass
Try to have your boarding pass in your hand before you get to the airport. Some airports have special lines for people who already have their boarding passes, allowing you to get in and out faster from checking your bags.
5. Keep your shoe count down to a minimum
Shoes take the most room, and are probably the least needed item that is also the most over-packed. Try this: one athletic shoe, one boot, and one other miscellaneous shoe. Depending on your destination, you can make this flexible, but try to keep it down to three pairs of shoes.
These five travel tips will help you and those around you be happier, faster, and calmer in your adventures around the world.