It’s about four or five weeks into the semester and you may not be on top of things or doing as well as you thought you would. Don’t panic! You still have plenty of time! Utilizing these simple and accessible tools will help you turn things around and be more organized, less stressed, and get better grades.
Although in high school your planner was just another cute thing to pick out at the beginning of the school year, write in for one week and then never touch again, your planner will be your best friend in college. Be sure to write down every assignment and due date as soon as you get it and then cross it off when you complete it.
Post-It Notes
To make sure you never forget anything, write all the things you need to do or all your appointments on post-it notes and stick them all over your desk or wall. It may be somewhat distracting at first having them clutter everything, but the feeling of taking a post-it note off and throwing it away after the task has been completed is the most gratifying feeling ever.
Your Phone Calendar
Just to be 100 % sure you won’t forget to go to a meeting or finish an assignment, put important dates on your phone calendar. Set alarms to remind you that will pop up so you will have no choice but to remember.
Wall Calendar
Mapping out all your dates for assignments and other commitments in one place is important so you can see how far ahead you need to plan. It may look super busy at first, but taking it one day at a time will help you feel less overwhelmed
Folders and Notebooks
Having a separate folder and notebook for each class allows you to keep all your assignments and notes separate from each other, but also all together for each class. Also getting the same color notebook and folder for each different class is helpful because you can just grab it without having to read the label.