As we hit mid-2018, I started to realize I've been living my life entirely wrong. I've let non factors like people & school (sorry not sorry) ruin me emotionally & physically. I've worked to build myself up to the better me and I want YOU to do the same.
Here are 5 tips and tricks to be a better YOU.
1. Try something new.
Trying a new hobby will give you new experiences. For example if you try yoga , you could find your inner peace. If you learn how to bake or cook, you'll be able to satisfy yourself mentally and fill yourself up while doing so!
2. Go live your best life.
It's a Friday night and what are you doing? Watching Netflix and eating chocolate covered bacon because you have nothing else better to do! Get up and go somewhere fun! Go to the library and check out books about how to make a baked ziti. Go to the mall and splurge at PINK! Go do anything you love to do. The world is at your hands.
3. Stop letting words get to you.
People will make you feel terrible about yourself by saying rude things to you. They may call me fat and weird but I know I'm only one of those things. I try not to let it affect me and you should do the same. Embrace the negative comments and make them positive.
4. Meet new people.
As hard as it sounds, meeting new people will benefit you. You'll be able to change your surroundings and try new things with those new people. Joining a club is something that could help you if you're not so social. You could also join a discussion thread and talk to other people about things you enjoy!
5. Dye your hair.
Dying your hair is a sign of change. Whether you're going from jet black to neon green or red to blonde, you'll see a significant change in how you feel about yourself. It may cause A LOT of damage but in the end you'll feel like a complete baddie and a whole new person.