Throughout your school career, you will constantly deal with finals from the start of high school until you graduate from college/university.
So, to survive your finals as a student, here are a few tips/expectations.
1. You Will Actually Have To Study.
Don't expect to pass your finals without putting proper effort into studying. Finals are created in such a way that you cannot get by with studying for one night, otherwise, our teachers would teach us for one day and have us write a short exam. Study, but also give yourself small breaks to unwind.
2. Finish The Extra Work You Will Receive.
Expect stress to arrive throughout finals week. Your teachers/professors may give out extra work for you to finish. If you aren't a fan of studying, doing this extra work (or 'review' as it's usually called) would be the way to go. Mindlessly completing a review of your course will definitely help you study without the hassle of going through (what feels like) hundreds of notes.
3. Sleep On A Regular Schedule.
The most important thing to remember during finals week is to ensure you get the right amount of sleep. Not only will this boost your energy, but also your mood. If you stay awake studying all night and expect to sleep for a few hours, you'll be focusing on the fact you are tired, rather than the information you studied the night before.
4. Eat Healthily, Even If You Never Do.
The second most important thing to remember during your finals week. As a student, you may buy the cheapest food you can find- junk food. Especially since it's so easy to find. The issue with grabbing some quick sugary snacks is that they will not give you enough energy to get through the full length of your exam. Instead, it will leave you exhausted. Some alternatives include fruit, water, or protein bars.
5. Stay Confident And Keep Your Chin Up.
Even if you are failing the course you are writing your final in, a little boost of confidence may be exactly what will get you through the length of the exam. Not believing that you will pass will only make it harder to write, and you may second-guess every answer you write down. Be confident in the answers you give. Believe in yourself, and give yourself the strength to pull through.